Chapter 27

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Peter heart was pounding he scrambled to where jean and storm were crouched.

"Alive!" Jean scream, "I can feel his pulse but is very weak!"

Peter felt more than relief to know Louis was safe.

"We find the blue cube!" Mystique said.

(Yay! Louis is save!)

The avengers and X-men returned to the tower it was a long night, Louis was admitted to Bruce banner's lab with several injuries.

Three broken ribs and a broken neck, he was still unconscious so everyone left.

Louis snapped his eyes opened, his body feel weird, he tried to set up only to feel a tremendous pain shoot through his whole body making him drop to the floor, he couldn't remember anything not even his name, heat creep up to his body, he choked, he couldn't breath what was happening?

Desperately looking around for a bathtub, he spotted at the very end of the room with an open door, he rip the tubes off, there was something on his neck and waist, he was thrown in panic, he quickly took them off, the room started spinning he felt horrible pain like his neck and ribs were been crush.

He creep slowly to the bathtub, he stumbled while standing up, quickly turn the tap, he fell in the tub yelping at the pain.

Black dot stain his view, and he passed out, the water froze along with him.


"Friday is Louis up?" Peter asked while sipping his glass of orange juice, he has been discussing with jean and storm, they discuss about Louis and storm unintentionally, mentioned Louis abuse.

Peter wanted to know more but she told him it was best if Louis explain.

<Louis is not in bed but in the bathtub unconscious with water running> Friday replied.

Everyone I'm the room gasped, "what?!" Peter and Bruce ran to the lab.

They bursted in, the materials placed on Louis were scattered on the floor, "Shit!" Peter cursed as they hurried to the frozen bathtub.

"Oh no!" He's inside the ice, "Friday how many minutes has he been in here?" Bruce asked.

<Three hours Mr banner>

"Fuck! Louis why?!" Peter yelled.

Louis broke through ice holding a sharp Cristal ice on peter's neck, his eyes were blue like grey and his pupils were big.

Peter held his hands up so did banner struck by fear and surprise.

"P-peter," Louis lowered his ice and it dissolved in his palms.

Peter pulled Louis in a soak hug, he shivered Louis was so cold, his white hair smelled fresh.

"Don't ever do that again," peter mumbled.


Louis was sat on a bed with new clothes on, he felt weird the cotton rubbing on his skin, he wanted to take it off, you won't blame him he didn't wear clothes since two years, he was always in suit and when he wasn't he was in short.

"This is incredible," Bruce exclaimed examining Louis who was staring at the nightstand blankly. "No broken bones everything is perfect, how did you do that?"

Louis looked up at banner without a word, he understood the boys needed space, he went up and told everybody it was okay.

Louis and peter stayed in silent for a while.

"Why didn't you tell me Lou?" Peter broke the everlasting silence, Louis remained silent still staring at the nightstand all the memories coming back, now he wished he was still amnesic.

"Please Louis speak to me," peter pleaded.

"I was scared of your reaction, scared of what will come next, I don't know," he said.

"You hid practically everything from me! You didn't tell me about the abuse nothing, we hang around all this while and you were been a pure stranger to me! Did you know how I freaked out when you disappeared? How worried I was and you came back as that thing making it fucking worse!" Peter yelled unintentionally.

"I couldn't! She would've killed me! Believe me I have tried, in different occasions but it backfired and I ended up with broken parts!"

"Am spiderman! Am a hero!" Peter shot up.

"I don't know peter! You had many other cool stuff to do, what will you have done? Anyway!
I had the rare occasion to escape but I blew it up! I trusted him, he was the only person I ever had, everyday I take the shit and beatings hoping he would come save me! She tortured me everyone did, my life was a living hell! I was a fool for trusting on a stranger! I was a fool for not running away, GOD! I hurts so much! In different occasions she yelled on my face "he doesn't care no one does" but I kept that fucking dream!
I did merit the beatings, peter. I hurt you! I worth nothing not even you, it was a good thing my parents left! At least they didn't have to carry a burden like me!" Louis said staring into Peter's eyes with his navy blues one that threatened to spill tears.

"Lou -"

"I killed a lot of people peter two years of my life spent killing innocent people, I hate myself so much! I was the bad guy! An assassin! Heck! I tried to kill you peter! Why do you Even care about me? they people that were suppose to love me treated me like shit!" Tears creep down his cheeks, as he slid down the bed he sat on the floor with his hands raised to his face. "I'm a murderer! She was right about me, am a worthless, I make things worst! I can still remember her digging a sharp knife on my back when I was eight, why? I asked she said " that's all you deserve" then I didn't understand but now I know she was right, what was I thinking? He abandoned me like everyone else, my heart ache so much I feel like dying peter!" He sobbed.

Peter pulled him in a hugged allowing his salty tears to soak his shirt, "you don't deserve that Louis, you're a good person, she don't just know how to appreciate your value, she abused you and she'll pay for that, you're not worthless and unwanted, you just saved new York," Peter said.

"From me, am so stupid! Is all my fault! All this started because I had a dream, when it was crushed everything was crushed with it. Peter, I wished I can go back in time, I will erase my existence from the surface of the earth." He cried.

"It wasn't you Louis, you won't have killed those people, you're innocent," Peter said.    

Louis kept sobbing eventually crying himself to sleep on peters shoulder, peter felt his hand release and his breathing slowed.

He lifted him up placing him gently on the bed, before covering him. Peter sigh, his hairs were as white as snow, he'll be finding a solution to that later but now he need to focus on Louis self esteem, he hoped Louis don't tried suicide, Peter shook his head at that thought. Before leaving the room.

Hey everyone! Another update hope you enjoyed.

Have a nice day!

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