Chapter 15

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Louis was thrown in a dark big cage, he wasn't the only one in a cage though, he felt the presence of many living thing, in the dark he couldn't determine their specie, but with their cry, he knew the weren't human neither ordinary animals.

I'm in the dark, I can't see anything except for the faint light coming from a hole on the roof of my cage.

I heard the man of earlier, the man that bought me speaking in a phone, "Boss, we've found experiment #006, you'll be very pleased to meet him in person, when came he come?" The man pause for whoever was on the other side to speak, "okay!" With that he hung the call walking away.

By now I was panting, what are they gonna do to me? Who is experiment #006? Why does this things happened to me?

First my parents had to throw me, then I was kicked out by the only one person, I love and trusted, then I was sold by my abusive guardian, now what's next, is it death?

I sobbed with my hands on my chest, I was in an agony of pain, I was deeply sad, all I wanted was to die, am useless, now I hate myself.

I sobbed in the darkness, knowing that I was alone, I needed to let my emotions out.

I was a fool for not accepting the X-men proposal, I should have gone with them, but no, I had to think of someone that had move on, someone that don't give a damn of me, someone...
I am stupid!
What was I thinking, Mr S? My foot! He gave me away just like my parents, because of him am in this shit! I hate him so much!

"I-i h-hate y-you!" I whispered.


Few hours later some men came in dragging me out, I tried to fight but they had the bright idea to put a shock collar on my neck, I was injected with whatever liquid it was and I fell in a deep sleep, I hope I don't wake up.


I woke up in a new cage this one was a little bigger than the first and everything was quiet, it felt strange.

The door of my cage was opened and I saw a new face, the man was huge and big, he had a night stick with a whip attached to his side, I back away in fear, was this guy gonna beat me?

My only comfort was the cold wall, I cringe on it and and shriek when the man yelled.

"Steh auf!" He yelled. I don't understand what he is saying I started crying as he hit me with his night stick! "Steh auf! (Stand up)" He grabbed my head pulling me out of the cage.

He dragged me through the long hall, he pulled me in a room, a big empty room with two doors at the end.

Their was a guy standing in the middle of the empty room with his back turn to us.

"Leh brauchte eine, um ihn rauszuholen, (it took me a while to get him out)" the man grabbing my hair said.

What are they saying? What damn language is this? Where am I? Who are these people? What do they want from me? Millions of questions are flowing throw my pounding head.

"Du darfst gehen, (you may leave)" The man standing in the middle replied, having the first man leave after shoving me to the floor.

"My name is agent 2, I'll teach you how to serve hydra, and become an expert assassin." he spoke in English, his word stopped my heart from beating.

He just said Assassin! What is he talking about, I don't wanna kill anyone. "We need to get you ready before the boss comes, you'll see is simple. BRING IHN MIT!" he called out in whatever language it was.

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