Chapter 7

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"Peter do you think we can do something for Louis?" MJ asked as they were walking on the hall way and spotted flash speaking to a terrified Louis.

"I don't think, how I wish spiderman could visit the school someday, he will so deal with Flash." Peter said courageously.

"You speak like you were him, I bet spiderman don't have time for kids like Louis he prefer kicking the ass of bad guys like Loki, remember the god that almost destroy our planet,"

"I don't think so, mmm....maybe he doesn't know." Peter frown.

"Stop speaking like you were spiderman is too good to be true," MJ smiled before walking to her class.

Peter wanted to tell her so desperately but he knew better that keeping it a secret was the best he could do.

Lunch time came, as usual Peter, Nerd and MJ were seated around their table having a peaceful but worried lunch.

"Guys? Did you see Louis?" Nerd asked worriedly.

"Saw Flash speaking to him this morning," MJ replied.

"Am worried," Nerd said.

"Why? you don't even know him," MJ said.

"I-is just that, I feel he needs us, he look so fragile, what if flash had killed him?" Nerd gasped.

"No way, come on dude calm down, why are you suddenly interested in Louis that much?" Peter raised a brow.

"Dunno," Nerd shrugged.

They finished their lunch just in for the bell to ring, everyone was heading to class, Louis was not in view still, school hours went by quickly.

MJ left earlier she had some family day stuff, Peter and Nerd were walking to the exit.

"Peter, I saw flash going at the back of the school, am worried what if Louis is there and his getting beaten up again?" Nerd asked

"Let's go see." Peter said.

Nerd and peter hid beside the back door of the school. They spotted flash towering over Louis who was on the floor cringing to the wall trembling in fear as flash yelled.

"Eat that! stupid!" Flash point at some rotten apple on the floor, his band were protectively standing behind him, Louis look like he was gonna pass out, he had a new cut on his forehead with his former bruises.

"Ah, I knew it! Peter, do something!" Nerd pull on his sleeve.

"Okay, I think is time for spiderman to come in action, Nerd take a video we'll need that. just after I want you to go home I'll narrate everything later." Peter ran off winking at Nerd who gave a thumb sup.

He took his clothes off since his suit was under his clothes making it easy to become spiderman, he didn't forget his mask of course hiding his bag spiderman web to the rescue.

Just as flash was about to punch Louis, spiderman shoot a web at his hand yanking him backward delivering a blow to his jaw, flash fell backward with a thud and an "ow!"

"Bad bad boy! Not cool!" Spiderman crossed his arm as his stood towering flash.

"S-s-spiderman?!" Flash stuttered still holding his jaw.

"Yelp correct that's me, and you've been really bad with that kid their!" He pointed.

"I-is none of your business!" Flash frown as he stood up.

"Of cause it is! Am the friendly neighborhood spiderman! Now I'll just added you in the list of bad guys and send it to the avengers, iron man in particular!" He brought his new stark phone out.

"T-tony s-start, n-no! Please don't we'll go!" Flash ran away with his band as spiderman chuckle.

Louis had heard everything but refuse to open his eyes too scare he'll get beaten up. Spiderman walk to the lad picking him up bridal style and wing away, to the top of a roof he gently drop Louis who start opening one eye before he fully open the both.

He looked around and noticed he was on the top of a roof, he look up and saw spiderman expressionless face (mask).  Spiderman crouch beside him like he always does, it was more comfortable than setting.

"T-thank y-you s-spiderman!" Louis spoke in a whisper but spiderman heard due to his enhanced hearing.

He watch as Louis was still shaking, he was curious to know more about the black white hair lad.

"You're save now," he said, Louis just looked at him without a word.

He knew all about spiderman and the avengers but he was not fan of them he just like them not adore them.

"What's your name?" Spiderman asked, he knew but just wanted to play it as spiderman not Peter Parker.

"L-louis," he spoke in a whisper again.

"Are you new here, I mean, haven't seen you around." Spiderman said.

"I-i moved in f-four years ago, I'm a German."

"You're not American? Your parents too?" Spiderman was a bit shock.

"Dunno, n-never seen t-them," Louis shrugged.

"Why are you in long sleeve and gloves, I mean we're not in winter yet," spiderman tried to cover the suspicion in his voice.

"A-am sick," he look at his feet.

"How? You look okay, except for the bruises," he quickly add.

"M-my skin m-must not come in c-contact with a-anybody, m-might fall r-really sick, m-my immune s-system 's weak." Louis brought his legs to his chest wrapping his hands around them resting his heads in between his knees.

"Oh," spiderman said suspiciously. "How old are you?"

"F-fourteen," he replied. "I-i n-need t-to go," he groan as he stood up reaching for his bag.

"Oh, bye take care," he web him back down and wave before returning to his patrol while thinking about Louis and the way he was speaking in a whisper, is was strange.


Spiderman swing with his web to the avengers tower.
"Mr Stark did you see the news?!" He land by tony side who was having a discussion with some of the avengers.

"Hey kid, didn't say you were coming." Tony said.

"The news about the frozen building? Save lots of people!" Peter exclaimed drawing the attention of them all.

"I saw that! strange huh?" Natasha said.

"Their is another hero in Queens isn't it great?" Peter grinned, his face was exposed since he had taken off his mask.

"No kid is not, imagine if other villain gets hold of who ever it is, it gonna be catastrophic!" Steve said.

"Didn't think of that," Peter frown.

"It's dangerous, you're right Steve," Tony added.

"We need to get him before is too late," Wanda added.

"Friday camera near the building," Tony said.

The video was projected, the could only see a small figure touching the building, the person had a hoodie on, they couldn't determine if it was a kid or an adult or the sex, just a mysterious person in hoodie saving many lives.

"This not good, we must know who is behind that hood," Natasha said.

Oooh seem that their is some tension in the avengers tower! Keep your calm the big show will soon come prepare to be amazed.

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