Chapter 30

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"Louis!" Peter walked in all ready for school.

Louis was brushing his hair, he groaned.

"Come on Lou, we need to get going am so excited," Peter said.

"I don't wanna, I should be thinking of where I'll be living next, am sure avengers can't adopt me, and i'm never going to an orphanage, or a foster home, ever again, I'll like to live alone." Louis said.

"Trust me Lou you won't go to any of that, we leave this for later, now get your stuff."

"I don't wanna Pete, it kinda weird after two years of evaporation here I come, it raises suspicions. And I have too many bullies there, Nerd, MJ, that's just too much!" He sat on the bed with a huff of frustration.

Peter felt a little pang on his chest, he sat next to Louis.

"I promise everything will be fine, am just next to you, come on buddy, you need to face your fear! About Nerd and MJ, I suggest we tell them the truth, and nerd knows am spiderman."

"Fine, if things get worse don't look for me I'll be here." Louis said peter chuckled.


Everyone turned to stare at Louis, as the walked in the hall way. He felt uncomfortable but didn't show it.

There them spotted MJ and Nerd, when he saw them his heart beat pick up not from nervousness, but from something else, Louis couldn't stop staring at nerd, he tried taking his eyes off him but that was just impossible.

He didn't want to meet hers (not what you were thinking once again) but why?

"Louis! Damn! Is been two freaking years and look at you!" Nerd yelled causing everyone to turn around.

Louis felt the pressure on his chest he wanted to disappear, they won't stop staring.

MJ just kept staring at him with a gasp.

The bell rang, "see ya in lunch we have a lot to say." Nerd wave before walking off with MJ who never stop looking back.


"So you're saying that you've got powers, and some bad guys bought you from your foster mother." MJ said Louis nodded, they were on top of the school roof out of all hearing.

Slap! It sounded more like a clack! MJ just slapped Louis she furrowed her brows, Louis felt his heart tingle, he didn't feel angry but it brought back some flashbacks.

"You're fucking crazy! Why didn't you tell us about the abuse and everything, we could have done something, you almost destroy the earth, ugh! Guys! You're so silly! You could have died or worse!" She yelled.

"Uh, MJ? I think is enough," peter said.

"Shut up Peter, I knew you were spiderman but Louis he -"

"Uh, his gone," Nerd said, watching as Louis walked away.

MJ stare at his back till angry, Peter didn't go after him, he knew Louis needed space.


Finally the bell rang Louis left before Peter, he felt so bad.

He snuck in through the window,  he flung his bag, turn the tap on took away his top, he slip in the water sighing.

He stared at the ceiling, he was feeling really weird he didn't stop sighing and shifting from one side to another. The fact that MJ slapped him wasn't the problem, it was something else.

"Hey?" Peter spoke softly leaning against the door.

However Louis didn't stop staring at the ceiling.

"You okay? Wasn't expecting that right?" He took some step forward. "Are you angry?"

"No, is just that I've fe- ugh!" he groan "never mind am tired."

"Sorry, I wanted to tell you am leaving, aunt may is back." Peter hesitated before speaking.

Louis shot up, "No! I need you here!"

"Aunt mays needs me more, and I'll see you in school." Peter rubbed the back of his head.

"Today is definitely not my day," Louis huffed seating back in the tub.

"Lou am not going forever am just going back to my house, we can hang out a bit before I pack."

Louis sigh "okay. But then I'll be lonely when you're not around."

"Not for long."

He got cleaned and they head to the roof top. "Hey what do we say about a race first to get to lake and come back here is the winner." Peter smirk Louis just nodded, he took off his clothes, he already had his suit under, he put his mask. Shoving Louis aside and swinging away.

Louis just took off the roof and flew, he eventually caught peter.

"Hey Pete? Slow huh?"

"Jeez! You fly!"

"Yeah, and I also do this! See ya!" Louis disappeared.

Louis wrote on the lake floor, "I won" peter saw it and huffed he had to cover all the way back to the tower."

He finally made it, he pant. "You cheated!"

"Did I?" Louis smirk.

"Ugh! This is it!" Peter tackled Louis down pinning him.

Louis just giggle as peter tinkled him.

"Wow, you giggle cutely." Louis couldn't help the blush, Peter help a blushing Louis up.

"Uh, I'll help you pack, see ya."

After packing peter said goodbye happy drove him off.

Louis ran straight to the training room, he grabbed a gun not real one but similar he shot at the figures that popped at, not missing his target.

"You do that like a pro," Natasha walked in, Louis heart missed a beat. He was extremely careful around the lady.

She grabbed a knife, "uh, how about we see that?" She rubbed the blade, while closing the door, then it was obvious she wanted to kill him.

He took some steps back, she launched towards him, he duck, she punched his chest making him fall.

He greeted his teeth, he created a similar knife to hers with his ice, he got up reposting, he didn't want to hurt her. She was so determine to kill him.

He did a aerial escaping her slash, the fight went on for a while till she had him cornered on the wall, with her knife on his throat, he could just disappeared but he didn't.

"Am sorry for digging a blade on your shoulder," he said.

She smiled, "you're a good fighter, I wanted to test your abilities, you're qualified, you can come with me for a level one mission." She proposed, Louis hesitated before nodding.

"Not much of a talkative huh?" She help him up.

They both went on the mission, he wore same suit as her, everything went more than perfect it was fun, no one died or was injured, both from shield and the villain side, all the villains were froze on the wall or floor.

Louis found it hilarious, maybe Natasha was not as black widow as she looks.


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