Chapter 38

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I huffed slamming my locker, the sentence of my father echoing in my head, we had a serious discussion this morning, the deal was that if I don't get my grades up, we'll be moving out and I'll be transfered to another school, I yelled and said all I wanted to say that didn't change anything, he kept his intimidating stare and his stern face, I hate having parents.

He is trying to rule my life!

"Hey dude," I heard peter said as he squeeze my shoulder.

"Hi Pet." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

"How was your grounding?" He grinned.

"Haha it was so much fun!" I said sarcastically.

"I told ya, I love saying that," he chuckle.

I smiled a little, trying hard to look happy, but I failed miserably.

"Lou what's wrong?" Peter rubbed my shoulder.

"I hate my father so much, he is threatening to transfer me, if I don't level up." I said looking straight in Peter's eyes.

"Yeah, recently you've failed lots of test, but can't you discuss with him, I mean he is you father he'll understand."

"I don't wanna, he is trying to rule my life! I won't accept that shit! He is not God! He ruined my Saturday fun! And he is trying to ruin my entire life! That was the main reason why I never wanted parents, the barge in your life and take control! I don't have to choose the time I sleep, I have a fucking curfew! And lots of rules! Am sick of that!" I sigh, it feels good to yell your feelings.

"If you are holding a grudge against him then you can talk to your mum."

That was when realisation struck me, where is my Jewish mum?

"Uh, haven't seen her since d-days," I said nervously.

"Woah Louis, you're impossible you don't even know where your mum is?" Peter shook his head, "you need to let them in Lou, you'll see, is so good."

The bell rang.

"I gotta go see ya!" I raced to my class.


Finally is the last bell, I quickly grabbed my stuff from my locker, I need to get started with my work, am not doing this cause I'm scared of my father just because, I don't wanna leave Queen or this school. I'll have to suspend fun for some days, I need to get my grades up.

"Hey Lou! We were looking for you." Ned walk up to me with MJ.

"What for?" I raised a brow.

"Today we're having a sleep over at Ned's his parents are okay with that," MJ said grinning, I bite my bottom lip.

"Uh.." I said nervously, "I can't, I really need to study."

"No man! It will be so much fun, I swear!" Ned pleaded.

My phone started buzzing, I hung up.


"Is tom, your driver, am currently waiting outside your school Sir."

"Who the hell is tom? And which driver?"

"Your father asked me to pick you up sir."

"Dammit!" I punched the red icon. "I really need to go guys, I can't come tonight maybe next time."

"Why are you such a freak? Saturday you were grounded now you need to read some freaking books!" MJ yelled. "I guess we'll have fun with someone else." That sentence rage down my chest.

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