Chapter 35

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I immediately froze, going numb under Peter's hug, "what did you just say?" I blurted out, peter broke the hug.

"You're parents are alive, and they want to know you, isn't it great?" Peter grinned.

"What the hell! How did they know about me? Aren't they suppose to be dead?"

"Uh, no Natasha made research and she found and contacted them."

"Why didn't anybody tell me? I fucking hate them and I don't want them anywhere near me!" I yelled, stomping back to the elevator, and pressing the button multiple times, finally I reach the floor of my room, I match to my door and slam, the door shut.

I knew peter had followed me, next thing he bursted in.

"What's happening Lou? Why are you so upset?"

"Because you guys fucking invited my freaking parents!"

"What is wrong with that?"

"I don't give a damn! I hate them with all my gut!"

"Stop yelling Louis! We did it for your good! Your parents are not what you think! You can't hate them with no reason!" He half yelled.

"If they weren't as bad as you say how did I found myself with hydra! Why is it that am not registered in any hospital? Just because the threw me away! Or worst what if they sold me to hydra themselves? If not I wouldn't be bearing their surname! Maybe they want me just to sell me again, and that's a big no!" I yelled.

"You don't reall-"

"I wish they were dead! That would've be more better."

Peter frowned, "you're so egocentric, you don't know the value of parents, I lost my parents when I was very young, I wish they were still alive!"

"But you have May, she loves you! She can give her life for yours! All your life you've been loved and wanted Peter, how can you understand, you've never been lock in a closet, or told how much of a useless shit you are! You've never felt how painful it is for someone that suppose to protect you abuse you really bad, till you wish death upon yourself! My parents are they worst ever! I don't want to see them or hear them they should go kill themselves!"

"Louis enough of your childish attitude-"

"Shut up Peter! I never asked anyone to make a fucking research on them!" I glared furiously at him, he had a scowl plastered on his face.

"You just disappointed me Louis, you're acting like a heartless selfish kid, you haven't heard from them and you're already judging."

I felt a big pang on my chest, like and invisible fist punch my chest, but I push it off, "that's what everyone say I knew you weren't any different!"

"L-" he tried to but I cut him off.

"Fuck you!" I slammed the door shut, stomping to the elevator.

I bursted in the training room, lashing all my anger on the equipment, that I did for two hours, before guilt started eating me up.

You shouldn't have yelled at peter.
He was just trying to help.
You disappointed him.
I knew you would fuck up.
Not only is peter angry but Natasha and Tony might be.
What have you done.
Why didn't you speak kindly to him.
He is right your a selfish child.
Go say sorry to peter.
That was your fault!

"Enough! I know!" I yelled to myself sighing. I punch the bag really hard, I heard the door open, I was distracted, the bag lunch with full force and knock me down.

I sigh in frustration, and remained still not moving.

"Everything okay? Wanna talk?" Steve help me up.

I sigh seating Indian style, he sat beside me with his legs forming a triangle.

"I just had a huge argument with peter, I yelled and said mean stuff to him. I feel horrible."

"Cause of your parents? Heard you guys."

I nodded, "I didn't mean to, I was just upset."

"Maybe peter is right, you can't judge them when you don't know them."

I sigh, "am lost."

"Just talk to peter."

"What if he's still angry and.." I sigh.

"He'll understand, just explain to him," Steve gave a gentle squeeze to my shoulder.

"Thank you, you'll be a great dad," I smiled, standing on my feet I left for my room.

I was planning on taking a shower before talking to peter, I open the door of my room just to be greeted by Peter seating on my bed pinching the bridge of his nose. I swallowed hard.

"Hey." I said softly, I took some slow step forward the bed and plop beside him he was just staring at the floor. "You know Pete, when I was just a kid, I use to get bullied and laughed out, because I didn't have parents to stand up for me, Jennifer didn't care, she wanted money! She didn't teach me anything, never help me to solve my home works, even study, she left me all by myself, and expected me to know everything, she wasn't present when my school needed her, when I score my first goal, when I graduated to high school, no one was! And for that I despise my parents with all my might. Am sorry for yelling and saying all those mean words, I didn't mean it you're a good friend and am just been stupid." I said, by now peter was staring at me, he pulled me in a soft hug.

"I understand, I promise I'll be there for your graduation, you'll never be lonely, am always here for you."

"Thank you."

We broke the hug and stared at each other, "ready to see them tomorrow?"

"Maybe, I gave fury a second chance, maybe I could give them a try but if they screw up, am leaving for ever!" I said.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll like to see that." He chuckled.

Pretty short, hope you love it. I'll make my next chapter more longer.

I have been receiving sweet comments recently, thank you very much, those words always gives me courage.


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