Chapter 20

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His eyes snapped opened, he broke the ice and head to a Small closet, where he had put his suits, this new prison is really small, only the bathtub and the closet, with cameras watching none stop.

After cleaning his hair, He trip in his winter whisperer suit, some people might die to day.

Grabbing his guns and knifes heading out, he stop by barons office.

"Agent #006, today you're going for a big diamond in the museum, kill anymore that tries to stop you, especially the avengers.

He half nodded, putting the earpiece on.

He sat in the helicopter and they took off arriving at the building he was dropped close to the building.

He jumped on the top of the roof, freezing his hand and legs on the wall so he won't drop, he cut a circle on the glass window with his ice. He slipped in the building without making a sound.

"Are you in?" A voice came ringing from the earpiece, not too loud curse of his enhanced hearing.

He press a button on the earpiece that made a click, since he won't speak to them, the put special buttons with different sounds.

"Good now turn to the left!" Agent two said.

He turn to his left walking in the halls with portrait of American heroes and president, Abraham Lincoln, Chris Columbus etc.

Later he turn to his right that was prehistoric room, Saba toothed tiger, cave men and all, he was careless, didn't looked at his environment just following the orders of the voice.

Finally he came to a stop at a special room, the room was large with deem blue lights, at the far end of the hall lay a medium size diamond, not just a diamond history said the diamond had last thousands of years, was first owned by the first king of England, then by so many others, before it now owned it's place in the museum.

Louis was an experienced assassin and thief, he knows that stealing the diamond wasn't an easy task.

He touch a button on his suit activating the night mode, with that he could see the invisible lasers, good one he taught.

This was the time for a little warm up, touching any of the red lights will active the alarms alerting the securities, so he needs to be careful.

He did a back flip crossing two lines without touching, he put both hands on the floor, as he face the ceiling, he lifted himself up, walking on four limbs, once he had pass another two lines, he did some acrobatics passing the lasers easily without activating the alarm.

He still has to be careful, their could be other traps, he cut a circle on the glass, retrieving the diamond quickly replacing it with a stone that weights same, he put the glass back.

It will be a waste of time skipping the lasers, it will be more easier if he just evaporates, that was what he did.

He appeared at the door with the diamond, mission accomplish, everything turn out well.

"Do you have the diamond?" Agent two asked. Once again he tap the button.

He easily escape the guards who were patrolling.

He just had to wait for the helicopter when.

"Hey! Is that yours?" A voice came from behind him. He turn to see a familiar face but couldn't recall.

"I asked you a question, didn't your mama tell you that stealing was a crime? Now give it back!" Spiderman shoot his webbed at the figure who stood confused staring at him.

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