Chapter 41

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I spent all week with my parents I got to know them better, and vice visa, this week was the best week ever! But everything has an end, we had to move out next Monday, I've got only Sunday to say goodbye, which is today.

Peter called me later this afternoon informing me about, the sleep over he is organizing, just Ned, MJ and him. I was more than glad to go.

I went to a little mission with mum and we took a while, then we were back home.

We were seated around the dinning table discussing, I mentally debated if I was gonna asked them or not, I don't know if am still grounded or not, after the incident I've spent my free time at home with my beloved parents.

"Uh, dad I was wondering if I could go to Pete's today, just a goodbye sleep over." I said.

"Yeah sure, I think you should have spent more time with them." Dad said.

"No I really enjoyed spending time with you guys." I grinned.

"I love you." Mum said.

"I know you've said that like more than a thousand times this week."

"Yeah can I have a hug?" She blurted out, this was not the first time she is asking though. I shook my head.

"Not this time mum, you should have let me cuff the bad guy." I looked away with a fake scowl.

"Oh yeah, you want it the hard way?" She stood up slowly approaching, I tried standing but it was too late she engulfed me in a bear hug, squeezing life out of me.

"Woah you're such a hugger." I complimented.

Soon enough I said my goodbye and headed to Peter's apartment, I was welcomed by a smiley Aunty May, she lead me to Peter's room and we talked for away before MJ suddenly disappear on the roof top.

I thought she was sad, about something.

"Hey guys did you tell her about me leaving?" I asked Ned and Peter, yeah Ned is aware.

"Nope, not yet." Ned replied.

"But you gotta tell her now this is your chance," Peter said. I nodded before making my way for the rooftop.

The comforting cold air hit my skin causing me to smile why was I smiling? I don't know. I went further in the rooftop then I saw something that broke my heart, I knew it will happen sooner or later.

MJ tried to push Nathan off her as he kissed her then she gave in and kissed back, "this is not right, I've a boyfriend a-" she was cut off by another kiss.

"I love you MJ and an regretting for ever leaving you." Nathan said.

"I just can't," MJ said turn to leave then she spotted me and froze. "L- I- wa- is not what you think!" She stuttered.

I looked behind her and saw Nathan shaking as he back off.

"Anymore step and you're dead," I said in a dangerous low tune.

He immediately stood still shivering like a leaf on a branch.

I gritted my teeth clenching and unclenching my fist.

"I didn't expect this now," I said closing the space between us. She stare at my eyes and I stare back at hers, "but am asking for one thing," I lean close and we kissed, it was long and passionate, then I broke the kiss. "A first last kiss." I said. "We're done MJ, not because of this but for your good, I know you still love him, I was just too selfish to admit it but here am I saying it, you're free, by the way am moving tomorrow, far away from here," she gasped tears threatening to spill.

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