Chapter 21

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Peter Parker POV

"Peter Darling! Wakey wakey! Time for school!" Aunt may screamed while grinning, I groaned raising the pillow to my head.

"Am tired, may" I muffled in the pillow.

"Too bad I guess I just have to eat the pan cakes all alone," she fake a sad expression turning to leave.

"No way! Am coming!" I screamed shooting up from bed, she just laughed exiting the room.

I moan at the pain on my shoulder, the encounter I had three days ago had serious cause some damages.

My feet was healed thanks to my healing factor but my shoulder still hurts, he punches really hard, I can still remember.

Shivering in the ice, almost dying, I could hardly breath, fortunately for me Karen called Mr Stark and I was free and treated, I think something is not right about the figure.

Just like he knew me and didn't want to hurt me, what villain on earth gets the rare opportunity to kill spiderman and doesn't?

I took a shower, brush my teeth got dressed, before racing to the kitchen with my backpack, we ate pancake and I ran off to school.

Flash had gone back to bullying me, I don't really care, as long as others are saved.

"Hey Pete!" Nerd greeted, we did our hand shake.

"Sup nerd? Where is MJ?" I looked around.

"Gone to sketch someone, so tell me about the assassin?" He whispered in my ears.

"Black widow is still making so research about him, he almost killed me, oofs that was really close!"

"Jeez! Pete you should be very careful! What if he had killed you?" Nerd exclaimed.

"Everyone would cry, and I will be buried!" I smiled at the expression of his face, just like he was gonna screamed.

"Heck-- pet-- you-- no!" He stuttered, he was panting like he was gonna have an attack.

"Dude WO! Calm down am here!" I grinned mentally slapping my forehead.

Once he regain his breath he glared at me, "don't. Ever. Say. Such!" He yelled before stomping off, I ran after him screaming. "Come on!"


After school I hanged out with MJ and Nerd for a while, before receiving a call from Tony.

"Hey kid you might want to come over, everyone is here," he said.

"Seriously? I can?" I gasp

"Yelp, be quick before I change my mind."

"Be right there!" I hung the call.

"Guys gotta go! Intern is calling!" I wave before running off.

I arrived at the tower just after informing aunt may that I was staying over at avenger's.

"Hey Mr stark!" I wave, when I spotted Mr Stark in his lab working on his suit.

"Hey kid, how your shoulder?" He pointed with his screwdriver

"Oh, hurts a little, I still have nightmares of him yanking me and almost killing me," I blink.

"It will pass, just don't fight a super assassin alone next time," he returned to His suit.

"He caught me by surprise, I swear I saw him disappeared!"

Mr Stark shook his head, "yeah yeah, then he hypnotize you and boom, you find yourself on the wall frozen, uhhhh!" He chuckled.

I flush, he was mocking me, "no! Stop! Am telling the truth, how I wish you'll get to confront him someday!" I crossed my hands.

"Yeah I'll like to see him disappear," he chuckled again.

I huffed, "you're an old man you won't understand," I smirk at his smiled dropped.

"No am not am still young," he frown.

"Yes you are! How old are you then?" I raised my brows.

"Uh, never mind at least am not a kid, am big enough to take down bad guys," he smirk.

"Ugh! Am not a kid!" I huffed frowning.

<Mr stark your attention is needed by miss Romanoff> Friday said.

"We can end this later," he wiped his hands before Petting my back, we took the elevator to the avengers floor.

As soon as the elevator ding everyone turn to us.

"Good you're here Tony, find some information about our assassin not much but is a start, Friday?"

A man with scars on his left eyes, down to his left cheek pop on the screen, he didn't have hair, he had scars on his neck too.

This is Jack, the only person that had hear the assassin speak and live, I find out that the assassin is titled the winter whisperer, the cause of many deaths in Germany, the strongest of all hydra's men, a well trained criminal and killer, he was discovered two years ago, since then, hydra are the first in the list of villains and illegal organization, turns out that no one knows his real identity, oh only seen at night." She stare at them.

"Hmm, strange, can we hear jack?" Steve asked.

"Yes, Friday?"

The AI connected jack to the tower.

"Hello Jack, I'll need a little information from you."

"Whatever you want Natasha, go a head!" He smiled.

"Have you ever come face to face with the winter whisperer?"

He sigh, "unfortunately yes, and am regretting that day even till now."

"Why?" Wanda asked.

"Look my face, I use to be handsome and seducing, but one day I had a mission as a leader of an association of drug dealing in Germany, we had a disagreement with hydra leader, Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, he was so upset, that he sent his assassin after us. We fought back though he was one and we were ten, he killed everyone remaining me, I shoot him tried to fight back but he was just too strong and fast, when my munition was drain he raised his gun at my head after beating me to a pop, I had blood everywhere, he had cut my face and my neck, he had poke my left eyes, my blood was dripping and I was growing weak, I thought it was the end, then he whispered, "Die" his voice was so soft for an assassin, I felt pain jolt through my body and I blank out!
Later finding myself in the hospital without my left eyes wrapped in bandages, apparently he had shoot me in my neck, but I was rescued blah blah blah.....
An advice, don't go after him except you're crazy, if you are crazy enough to go then get ready to see what you have never seen before he is really heartless! He is the most terrible person on eat, which mother gave birth to such a human? I hate him so much! One more thing, he is not mute, he just wants people to belief that, but sure he is not mute, no one believe me, because no one had ever hear him and live, adiós, I'll attend your funerals!" The line went blank.

Black widow sigh,

"am afraid this is not just a normal bad guy, we're talking about a phenomenon, a killer, we have to be really careful," Steve said.

"Who is behind the mask?" I ask out of blue.

"If only we knew Pete," Clint said.

Seriously? Am having a pounding headache, can't do more than this sorry!

I promise the second chapter will be addictive! Avengers vs Assassin!

Don't miss.

Ow my head hurts!

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