Chapter 11

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Apparently Charlie had an ingenious idea that he was going to enlist Eryk and I in a two month, pre-academic class preparation for school. What the hell is that? He said that it would help, more me than Eryk, make some friends down here and adjust to the "new surroundings" but I think he's just trying to distract us so neither of us can get into any trouble.

"Eryk I don't want to do this."

"Calm down Cody, there's nothing to be worried about. It's just school, you've been through it before." Eryk said as he gave me a little push towards the school that we'd both be going to in the fall.

"Okay, but I'd much rather be in bed."

He laughed, "Yeah Cody, every person feels that way when they walk into school. You'll be on the right half since you're in middle school and I'll be on the left half."

I never thought of that. Eryk wouldn't see me in school because there would be no way our paths would cross, not even lunch because the school eats by grade.

"You mean we won't see each other?"

He noticed the concerned look on my face and sighed at me.

"Here," he pulled out a piece of paper from his backpack. "let me see your class schedule."
I handed it to him and he held them up both side-by-side.

"Okay, well you have english at the same time and on the same floor as I have chemistry so how about before that class we can meet in the bathroom at the end of the hall? You know, just to check on each other."

"Okay, okay." I smiled up at him. "Thanks Eryk."

"Sure thing buddy. Now come on or we'll be late and Charlie would have a fit."

We both walked into the giant red brick building. The lobby was right in the front, the floors were a grey tile, and there were posters everywhere, the lockers were green and yellow for the school colors, and there wasn't anyone in sight.

"I thought you'd said we'd be late?"

"Late for being early. I want to show you where your classes are so you don't get lost."
I nodded my head and he led me down the long hallway and turned right for me. He showed me where my classes were, and they were all on the first and second floor so I shouldn't have too much trouble making it there on time.

"All your classes are close to each other so there's no excuse for being late."

"Wow, you really just sounded like Charlie. You even gave me his look and everything."

"I've been impersonating him for years." He laughed.

"Here's your first class; history. Go ahead and take a seat, I'll meet you outside your last class."

"Wait, you're not staying?"

"No I need to go find my classes. You'll be fine." He patted my shoulder and then left me in the classroom.

There were blue chairs and attached to them were while side-desks for writing, there was a white board in the front and back of the class, and there were cabinets everywhere. Why are there no decorations? I know it's summer but my old teachers used to leave them over the summer so they wouldn't have to redecorate.
Twenty minutes went by and the first student walked in. He was in a striped tee and jeans with sneakers, he just stared blankly at me as he sat at the desk next to me in the back.

"Never seen you here before." He said as he slapped his backpack down next to him.

"Just moved here a month ago, names Cody."


"What's up. Do you know anything about this teacher?"

"I heard he's real strict and will put you to sleep. My sister had him a few years ago."

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