I heard the door open and then slam shut. I looked on the table behind me and saw that it was 3:35 p.m. and it was about time for Charlie to get home. I rubbed my eyes and yawned while sitting up to see Charlie standing in the doorway, he was removing his boots.
"How long were you asleep for?"
"A little over an hour." I yawned again and stood up.
"Did you finish everything you were supposed to?"
"Yes sir."
"Really? Everything?"
"Well no, not exactly because we didn't clean the oven. We weren't sure how or what to use so we figured we would wait for you to get home."
He looked at me as if he didn't believe me but I gave him a sincere look and he nodded his head.
"Go wake Cody upstairs, you both have two more chores to finish."
I walked upstairs to wake Cody up but he was already awake and was sitting in the windowsill watching the trees.
"Hey, Charlie wants us downstairs."
"To finish the chores?"
"Yeah, so let's go before it gets dark"
I heard him sigh after I turned around and started going back downstairs. He was still tired and probably didn't sleep much since last night was rough on us both, we haven't had time to recover.
"Okay, while I'm making dinner..." Charlie started to pull out some paper and a pencil. "Cody, you're going to write some sentences while Eryk you finish the chores."
My body felt like it melted. I have to do the truck and the oven alone? Not like Cody would be able to do much, but he could at least help wash the sides.
"I have to do the truck and the oven?" I asked.
"Yes, while Cody writes two sheets." He handed his pencil to Cody and then offered him a chair at the kitchen table.
"How many times?" Cody wipes his eyes and yawned.
"Front and back, each sheet."
Cody glanced at me with his mouth open. He hated writing and he hated it even more when there was no consistent flow, just repetition was enough to set him off.
"Eryk, get going." Charlie snapped me out of my stare and motioned towards the door.
Charlie and I waited for Eryk to head out and I started thinking about what he wanted me to write. I'm good at writing, I actually enjoy it, but I hope he doesn't make me do lines like they do in school when you catch you cheating. I swear it makes your hand want to fall off."I want both of those papers filled in thirty minutes. I want you to write 'I will not drink or sneak out of the house' on both the front and back sides. I will check for grammar errors and everything."
"Yes sir."
"Get working and no stopping."
He went to the fridge and started pulling out stuff to make dinner, which basically meant that I couldn't even sneak a stop in there because he was right behind me.
My hand started to cramp after just the first side of writing and then it really started to annoy me when I got halfway down the backside. It was like all the blood rushed to my hand and I had a bruise on the top side of my ring finger. Charlie walked in front of me and glanced at the clock in the corner, sixteen minutes had past. That was a warning shot and I was so mad that he's rubbing it in my face on how little time I have left.
"Don't give me that look Cody," he said over his shoulder as he started to cut some carrots. "if you have something to say then say it."
"I don't want to do this anymore." I said under my breath.
"Have you finished the two papers?" He turned around and wiped his hands.
"I finished one."
"That's not enough."
"This is ridiculous."
"Hey," he snapped his fingers in my face. "if I hear one more word from you I swear I will rip up that paper and you'll start over."
I nodded my head and continued writing, trying to write faster to make up for the lost time.
I finished mine just ten minutes before Charlie's deadline. I handed him my papers and prayed that he would accept it. That he would ignore the shitty handwriting and half-assed letters.
He glanced at it for a second to make sure every line was filled and then he ripped the papers in half. That made me mad.
"Go sit at the table."
I was really hoping he would let me go shower and then go to bed but I moped back to the kitchen table. I sighed and leaned my chin on my head as he continued to cook.
"Can I help?" I asked as I noticed the pot of potatoes was boiling over.
"Sure, stir the potatoes and strain them." He almost smiled.
I did as he instructed and took the cut potatoes and put them in a giant glass bowl.
"Put some milk and butter in there, add some garlic salt, and get the beater."
I got everything out and did as he said. Eryk came inside and slumped down at the table. He wiped his sweat-covered forehead and glanced angrily at Charlie.
"Eryk you'll clean the oven tomorrow, I'll tell you how to do it." Charlie handed him a plate with a steak on it. "Cody finish the potatoes so we can eat."
He laid two more steaks on the remaining plates and spoonfuls of cooked carrots. I added more milk and started to beat the potatoes. They were mushing really fast and almost like they were just becoming liquid.
"Charlie the potatoes aren't fluffy." I said after a few minutes.
"You put too much milk in them." He took a spoon and scooped it like soup.
"Oh...sorry." I backed away and glanced at Eryk but he just ate his steak and carrots.
"It's alright, we'll just have potato soup." He smiled and scooped some on our plates.
His smile made me feel better but honestly it was an awkward dinner. We just ate silently, no one made eye contact either. Eryk ate slowly and so did Charlie, my stomach turned upside down from my nerves so I ate slow as well but I finished my steak and the poor potatoes I made. I stood up and went to scrape my plate but of course Charlie had to stop me...
"Cody eat your carrots, they're good for you."
"I hate carrots." I went back to the table.
"Eat them." He said again as he finished his plate and put it in the sink.
Eryk finished not long afterwards but Charlie stayed at the table and watched me pick at my food.
"Cody, I'm tired and ready for bed. Eat your food before this turns into a problem."
"But I don't like carrots and you gave me..."
"Cody." He stood up this time and leaned on the table.
"Whatever." I scooped them up and started chewing loudly.
He cuffed me in the back of the head and I almost spit out the carrots.
"Do you really want to test me right now? After what you got last night?" He leaned forward, almost in my face. "For some carrots?"
"No sir." I finished eating them and put my plate in the sink.
"Go to bed, goodnight." He said angrily.
There'll Be Storms (Spanking Story)
RandomWhen Cody and Eryk are forced out of their free lifestyles and into a new home they face some serious punishments for their actions. See what kind of challenges two scandalous, broken kids face when they try to adapt into a strict environment. Warn...