Chapter 1

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Eva's POV
I was born in the midst of a war. It was a war with those who wanted people to be controlled by strict laws against people who wanted to be free. My parents wanted freedom, and both severely went against their families wishes. So I guess that explains why aunts, uncles and grandparents never seem to like having me around. Well there's that and another reason.

Society was split by Pures and Impures. The whole war was based on whether they should be free to mix or not.

Pures and Impures: they've existed for decades, likely centuries, but the split has become more enforced since the current queen came to the throne. Now the only time Pures and Impures are allowed to interact is if the Impures are servants or workers at a shop. But even back then, romantic relationships between them were very much illegal.

But you may be wondering what's the difference between them.

Well the main difference between Pures and Impures - other than their wealth - is the Pures' abilities to look at others souls and cast spells on them, though both can use other forms of magic. Only the ability to use magic on and look at souls is exclusive to Pures. But they can't look at or cast spells on their own souls and very few can do advanced spells or curses.

And then there's the easiest way to tell them apart. Pures have white blood, Impures have red.

But then there's me, with pink.

My father is Pure. According to my mother, he was special, more Pure than most. I didn't really understand, and I doubted the fact I ever would, we were separated from him due to the end of the war barely a month after I was born.

Those against freedom - they won. The split was enforced even more, you could be arrested for having any kind of non work based relationships with the other types, and any half bloods would be murdered.

But, if you go into hiding, things aren't always as bad. I didn't live the life my mother wished for me, but compared to the other half bloods I've heard about, I was doing much better. Hiding in the backstreets wasn't preferable, even I know that, but the villagers did their best to help us survive, and in return, my mother would do chores for them or I'd entertain the younger children when parents are unable to.

But one morning, something unexpected happened when we were out getting food, Pure soldiers were marching down the streets. That's when Mum froze as she stared at one of them wide eyed. She bent down and whispered to me with this large grin on her face:

"That one there is your father. It's been almost seven years since you last saw him, but there he is. Come now, let's head home, we'll see him later, I'm sure of it."
"But we haven't got the food!"
"We won't have to worry about that. Maybe he can finally take us home with him, then you don't have to live on the streets anymore," she smiled, grabbing my hand tightly.

She led us back to the little tent we called home and I had been sitting there impatiently ever since.

Was he really my father? If he was, surely he'd be there by now. I wanted to go see him, but mum didn't want me going alone. And when I asked her to come with me, she refused, saying she can't. Saying it's too dangerous for her to go, especially with me. If she did, we would both be in danger.

Poking my head out of the tent, a cold snowflake landed on my nose, settling down and taking some time to melt. I guess I was too cold for it to melt.

"Mum, I'm going to see Uncle Maven! I'll be back soon."
"Be safe. Take the regular route and don't let yourself get seen by the soldiers!"
"Okay, bye!"

Maven (or as I called him "Uncle Maven") isn't biologically related to me at all. He was a Pure in disguise as an Impure, living with his husband - James Ebony - in the village. He apparently looked after me and my mother when we were separated from my father, and acted like a brother to my mother, so therefore he was like an uncle to me.

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