Chapter 35

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Eva's POV
We leave fairly early in the morning whilst Flynn sleeps so he doesn't suspect anything. We agreed that Cas will stay hidden in my bag as I talk to my aunt, and I will once again become Eva Ebony, though the Ebony I'll be associated with is slightly different this time.

"How long of a walk is it?" Cas asks, peering at the address on the letter.
"Not long, an hour at most, probably less. But then again, we need to keep an eye out for..." I don't finish, but Cas gets the idea. Whether someone is following us or not is not something I'm certain of, but the idea of it is enough to put me on edge.

But we get to the town fairly quickly with no issues so far. The next stage is to find her road and house, it's bigger than most of the villages I've seen, obviously it's nothing compared to the capital or any of the Pure cities but it's still impressive.

"I'll go ask someone for directions," Cas says, hopping out of my bag. He walks over in his human form and begins chatting with a reasonably young woman. He quickly returns to my backpack and begins giving me instructions.

We arrive on what looks like an abandoned street. Despite the grand size of most of the houses, they look like wrecks, as if they were haunted. Although it worries me a little, I continue on until I find the right house.

"This is it, looks like the only one capable of housing a person too," I laugh slightly.
"As we agreed, you're Eva Ebony and I stay hidden. If I think it's getting dangerous, I'll get you out immediately."

Slowly, I approach the door, and I don't even need to knock as it opens soon after.

"A child?"

The woman is almost identical to my mother, it startles me almost too much, I just hope my shock wasn't too noticeable.

Her face is the same except for a bruised eye, that remains tightly shut. As for her hair, it's the same indigo colour, but messily cut short.

"Are you Isabel Kim?" I ask.

"How do you know my name?"

Nervously, I hand her the letter and begin to form my lie.
"My father, James Ebony received this letter the other day. Whilst we've been in contact with this Alice Kim before, we currently aren't so my father planned to find out what you wanted with her. Problem is, he's incredibly busy so I offered to come instead. My name's Eva Ebony, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Well," she says, taking a deep breath, "come inside for now, this area isn't exactly the safest for someone so young. I'll prepare some tea then we can talk."

She leads me to a rather dull looking living room and quickly returns with two scalding hot cups of tea. My gloves just about protect the palms of my hands from the heat, but my fingers sting at the touch of it.

"If I may ask, what's your relationship with Alice? I mean, you share the same surname."
"Alice is my twin sister and a traitor."
"How so?"

"We promised each other that we'd stick together through thick and thin, that nothing could ever come between us, not even our idiot brother."

Uncle Jake.

"But then, there was that stupid war. We were on opposing sides, and I wasn't even that bothered, I knew her side would lose and she'd come crawling back to me. I knew she would. I knew it," her grip tightens on the mug and she begins trembling. "So why didn't she?! She did lose, I was right about that, but I heard nothing from her for so long after. What was so important to her that she couldn't come back?!"

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