Chapter 10

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Eva's POV
After dinner, Cas and I return to the guest room, where all our luggage had previously been dumped, soon, Flynn Sutton follows.

"Long time no see, Eva," He says, sitting down on the bed. "I guess I was right, you're still small."
"Shut up," I laugh, nudging him slightly.

Flynn Sutton: My best friend when I lived in Surrek.

My mum frequently described us as squabbling siblings, though Flynn found that weird due to his slight crush on me at the time. It was nothing serious, he would just occasionally ask for a kiss, not once did I give him one.

"So Eva?"
"No way in hell."

I guess he hasn't changed a bit.

Flynn was and likely always will be one of the tallest Impures I've ever met. Whilst most of the people living in Surrek were lanky and often short, he was well built, and tall, so when I first encountered him, I suspected he would be like the others of a similar size to him. And by that I mean, I assumed he was one of the bullies of Surrek.

I was coming back from helping Maven tend to his garden, it was one of the things I liked to do in the huge amount of me time I had.

I bumped straight into him, falling over due to the impact. I grazed my knee on the cold, rocky floor, and I didn't have time to hide my blood. All the villagers knew there was a half blood amongst them, and it was agreed no one would tell, but that didn't mean I wasn't mistreated because of it. That and my lack of a father caused some of the tougher kids to pick on me a lot.

"I told them I would be the first to find out who the half blood is!" He laughed, holding out a hand. Reluctantly, I used it to pull myself up, and was ready to continue heading home.
"Please don't tell anyone it's me, when people find out, they suddenly don't like me anymore," I murmured.

He suddenly grabbed onto me and turned me around, grinning slightly.

"In exchange for a kiss."

I think the only reason he kept up those constant demands was to reference this moment, the moment a skinny little half blood put him in his place.

Well I wish it went that well, but I did manage to leave a pretty big bruise on his face. It was just instinctual, by the time I had begun to throw the punch, I realised my mistake.

"No way creep," and I returned home for the day, avoiding telling mum about my encounter with the boy.

The next day, I had him standing outside the tent asking if I wanted to play basketball with him and some of the other kids from the village. At first, I tried to deny his offer, but mum was insistent that I go, in an attempt to make more friends or just have fun.

"So, creep, what's your name?" I asked, lingering behind him slightly.
"Flynn Sutton. You're Eva Kim, right? My ma' said she knows you."
"Heh, if I knew that you were Mrs Sutton's son, I wouldn't have been so scared of you yesterday. But, why ask me to play basketball of all people? I'm short and as I mentioned, I don't like making it clear that I'm some filthy half blood."

"It's cause you're cute."

All I could think to do was glare at him.

"I'm joking, anyone's welcome to play basketball, even filthy half bloods like you."
"Only I'm allowed to call myself that, my mum says I should punch someone if they do."
"I think that punch yesterday was more than enough."

And so we played basketball that day, and hung out for most of the evening, until it reached a point where mum had to search for me herself, I was never out for that long.

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