Chapter 28

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Eva's POV
I chose a short, black dress to wear, it's probably the most mobile outfit I'll be able to find. Then I grab the note.

The last sentence is in the familiar, somewhat illegible, handwriting of Cas. We don't bother signing our names, he would be stupid not to know who it is.

Dear Sebastian,
Meet me in training grounds by 5pm. If you don't show up, prepare to receive these messages daily. We're willing to fight for as long as we need. Ignore this if you want, we will win eventually.

"So why did you ask me here? If I knew any better, I'd think you're trying to kill me. But I know you, you don't like death, don't want to encounter him unless you must. It explains why that Impure's death has broken you so much, I can see your soul, it's crumbling. But I'm sure the Silence is also linked to that," Sebastian says as he walks into the training grounds.

"Crumbling? You never told me it was crumbling... why-" Cas begins.

"The fact you keep secrets from even him shows your distrusting nature. Everyone keeps turning on you, why should you trust him like you did all of them?"

"It's not like that. You wouldn't understand, but I don't like scaring my friends, or anyone close to me. But you're all about fear, aren't you? That's all you've done since I've arrived here, scare and manipulate me. Well I won't stand it anymore, I challenge you - Sebastian Ayres - to a fight. A sword fight. If I win, you take the silence off of my wrists permanently, and you don't get in my way if I attempt to escape later."

I grab one of the swords that's settled on the floor next to me and point it forwards. The tip shimmers in the light and I watch carefully and a grin forms on his face.

"And what do I get if I win? Your obedience for a mere minute? Then again, you can barely last a second usually, I guess that's better than nothing."

"Better than that. Well at least, better for you. I will stay here, never try to escape, never disobey. I'll do what you want."

The grin grows wider, the monster in front of me now baring teeth.

"I accept your challenge, Eva Kim."

I kick a sword towards him. It slides across the floor as if it were on ice.


Out of the corner of my eye, Cas glances at me and sighs.

"You're really serious about the whole sword fight part, huh? Well then, we decided on some rules for this. The first to land a hit on the other is the winner. No magic can be used and for the fight, and the Silence has to come off Eva's wrists."
"Won't she just run away? Use the opportunity to escape with her magic?"
"First of all, Cas will stay planted right there, I won't be able to get far," I say, pointing to where Cas stands. "Second, I swear on my life that I won't. If I do, and you catch me, I willingly accept death."

I don't. I don't accept death. Especially not in this place. That's why I'm going to win the fight.

"Fair enough, well then, enjoy your temporary freedom from the Silence. It won't last long."

The shackles break, falling off my wrists and onto the floor with a clunking sound. For a brief moment, I hold my wrist in my hand, enjoying the almost weightless feeling of it. Then, a small spark of light appears at my fingertips, my magic is truly back.

Feeling ecstatic, I begin laughing, unable to hold it in. It's not a particularly cunning laugh, it's just one of pure joy.

"Ha... that's what you think," I finally say, my laughter dying down.

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