Chapter 20

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Flynn's POV
Part of me wishes Eva could've stayed longer. We all spent so much time believing she was dead then she just appears out of the blue, and disappears the next day. I understand she's searching for her mother, that I understand completely, but I can't help but feel a little annoyed. I thought I lost my best friend, and one day with her can't make up for the years without her. As I place my head on the desk, I turn on the cheap little radio that my parents gave me. It was supposed to be so I could listen to music whilst doing homework, but it usually just distracts me.

The music begins to play but it's quickly cut out, replaced by a voice.

"We interrupt this to bring the country some important news. As of last night, the young and mourned Princess Eva, previously presumed dead, was found at last."


"Ma! Pa! Turn on the radio quickly, it's important!" I yell, running downstairs.

When I arrive in the living room, they're already listening, sitting in shock as the announcement continues.

"Our dear princess has been through pain and suffering the past few years. Princess Eva was kidnapped, and tortured by a horrific group of Impure rebels, ones that wanted to use her, kill her, to get their way. The thought that anyone would want to do that to such a young child is sickening, and we promise that the group will be found, and executed as soon as possible," the queen's voice speaks, slightly staticky due to the poor quality of the radio. "But for now we must celebrate the bravery of a young Impure familiar. He risked his life to return our beloved princess back home, and for that we thank him."

"She's talking about Eva's odd dragon pal, what's he doing there too?" I ask, crossing my arms.
"Flynn, be quiet," Ma mutters, putting a finger to my mouth.

"And now, our lost princess will say a few words."

A moment of silence. An obvious fear of what Eva will say fills the room. The words that will be spoken won't be hers. They'll be the queen's, the royals', the Pures'.

"I've been tortured and saved by Impures. All because of my blood, I've been abused, tortured, silenced. I-" Her voice is quivering as she speaks. It's hard to believe anyone would think these were her own words. "I have learnt the extent that some Impures are willing to go to, even going as far as having f-filthy half bloods on their side, those Impures and half bloods will be purged, whilst those on our side will receive even better treatment than before. Change is coming, and violence isn't necessary for change, the one who saved me is proof of that."

She stops speaking, but I can still sense her anxiety, even miles and miles away.

Filthy half bloods.

Eva may have said those words, but they weren't hers, it wasn't her decision to say that.

"Only I'm allowed to call myself that, my mum says I should punch someone if they do."

That's what she told me.

I guess Eva has the right to punch whoever wrote that script for her.

Ma turns off the radio, Pa keeping his eyes on the floor.

"What rubbish, not only are those clearly not Eva's words, but they aren't even true. I'm not even annoyed about those lies about her past, it's the whole "change is coming" rubbish. Change isn't coming, if it was, the phrase "filthy half bloods" simply wouldn't have been used," I spit, breaking the silence. "How on earth did they get their hands on her?"
"They're shaping her into someone she shouldn't be! Someone who is against her own existence. Eva didn't like the troubles that came with her blood, but she never despised the blood itself. I'm sure even her father is important to her, even if he's a Pure. And what about the two others she came here with? What did they do to them? Kill them?"

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