Chapter 24

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Eva's POV
"A ball? To celebrate my survival? So I can't even skip out on it..." I sigh, looking up at my father.
"I wish I could get you out of it, but there's nothing I can do. And there's more, listen, before I tell you what's going to happen, I have to make sure you know I'm sorry."
"What is it? If it's about the dresses, I can deal with that."
"It's not the dresses."

Cas cuts me off before I can take a guess.

"It's got something to do with Sebastian, doesn't it?"

Dad only nods.

"What will I have to do?"

"My mother wants to make an announcement about your betrothal to each other. It's inconvenient at best," he says.
"More than a nightmare at worst. I'll be alright though, Cas will be close, he won't do anything while in front of so many people... so that's good I guess," I murmur.

After a little longer of talking, dad leaves the room, leaving Cas and I alone together once again.

I'm never alone with Cas by my side, I rarely feel entirely alone, but today feels a bit different. I couldn't say why. But as I turn to look at him, a similar event to yesterday occurs. I see his soul again.

"What's going on...?" I mutter. "Why can I see your soul?"
"Excuse me?"
"I can see your soul. I shouldn't be able to. The silence should stop me from seeing it but... I can. I thought I was imagining it but it seems so correct, like how you're actually feeling..."
"What's it doing then? My soul, I mean."
"Shivering... but as bright as usual. That's not a surprise though. But why can I see it? It can't be because our souls are linked, because no one can look at their own soul anyway."

"Have you ever tried? Maybe that was just another lie, except it was told to everyone, not just you."

"I haven't tried... should I?"

He nods.

Taking a deep breath, I look down at my chest and focus. And it appears. The first thing I notice is the chain leading from it, going all the way to Cas' soul. I focus back on my own, it's mostly a light pink colour, with maybe a tint of purple in it.

But part of it is crumbling away like ash.

"Do you see it?"

"Yeah... that's crazy, what the hell? But there's not much it can do for us, right?" I say, deciding not to mention that it's crumbling. I don't want to scare him with the idea that the Silence is already messing with me.

"Anyway, I don't think Sebastian should be the part I'm scared about for the ball," I laugh, trying to change the topic. "I'm an awful dancer, the worst I've ever seen."

"Well then, you clearly haven't seen me dance," Cas replies.

"Is that a challenge?"

"Sure, why not?"

Grinning, I stand up and offer Cas my hand.

"Now? There's no music though," he replies.
"So what? You can sing."
"Eh you're better." He finally takes my hand and signals at me to start singing.

Rolling my eyes, I trace my mind for a song, any song will do. That's when I start humming a little turn without realising, a tune mum would always hum to me, and which I taught dad when first trapped here.

Our feet begin moving along with the music and on more than a few occasions, we both almost trip over the other's foot. In the end, I'm the first to fall in our little competition.

"So I was right," I giggle, sitting on the floor.
"Guess you were, that's not something to celebrate though. What about tomorrow?"

He's right. I don't want to make a fool out of myself whilst out there, all the stuff I have to do already is embarrassing enough as is.

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