Chapter 13

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Eva's POV
Hezra. It's barely changed. The busy markets still stand strong, a labyrinth of stalls and shelves, with an ocean of people flooding through the gaps.

We don't have time to waste. I want to go and rest, but I want to find mum even more. The sleep I had on the train wasn't the slightest bit relaxing, it was a calm nightmare. One reminding me that I'm a monster, though leaving out the fact that I'm no longer the only monster left over.

Cassie and Hunter already seem sick of travelling, and personally, I don't want them there when I find mum. I don't know why.

I did only just meet them, and I've known Cas for years now. I've been by Cas' side for years, I want him to meet the mother I would frequently talk so proudly of. If I had contact with her at any point whilst knowing Cas, I would've likely told her all about him. I will tell her all about him.

Though I won't have to say much.

Everything about the boy speaks for itself.

Kind smile, fiery eyes, pink cheeks and an adorable dragon form.

Even his words are kind.

Unlike Flynn who teases me like it's all he's capable of, Cas only ever makes fun of my more questionable habits. My obsession with books and my occasional moments of thievery. And he never comments on my blood.

Flynn - on the other hand - will make fun of everything, in that way siblings do. The nicknames "street rat" and "shorty" are perfect examples of that. In addition, he will tease me about my blood as well, though I've never been particularly bothered by it.

It might make me a monster by nature, but by choice, I can try to be a person. A good person. And that's what everyone sees me as. Well, a person at least, I hope.

"Eva, I get this is important to you and all, but Cassie and I are pooped. Can we like, get a room in a hotel for us while you run off to Surrek?" Hunter asks.
"Actually, I was going to ask you guys to stay here. I guess it works for us all, we'll probably be back by dark. Can you take some of our bags?" I answer as Cassie takes the food bag and Cas' personal bag. "Should we get going Cas?"

He nods his head, a large grin appearing on his face. A flush of colour comes to his cheeks, like excitement is flooding through him. His soul certainly implies it.

"Your soul looks like it's jumping around," I laugh once Cassie and Hunter are gone.
"I bet that's what yours looks like as well. Probably even more so than mine. I wish I could see souls like you can... I want to see your soul jumping and dancing around in joy."

I never bothered looking at people's souls until I arrived at the palace, where the only way to have even a sliver of an idea of what they people thinking was through their souls. I then disregarded it for a bit afterwards, only after Maven's encouragement did I start to use that ability again.

He told me it was alright, that I wasn't being intrusive, or nosy for doing it. That I wouldn't use it to manipulate scenarios and people because that's not who I am.

Yet I'm using the sight of Cas' soul to distract me from my dream. From myself.

I try to ignore the Pure within me, I've always hated that part of myself. Excluding a small percentage, all the Pures I've encountered are horrible, heartless. If I could, I'd remove every aspect of me that's even remotely Pure. My blood's colour, my ability to see and cast spells on souls, my advanced magic abilities compared to most Impures, I hate all of it.

Well, all except the one who's Pure blood runs through me.

Even after all that's happened, I can't bring myself to hate my father.

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