Chapter 23

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Cassie's POV
"You're Eva's uncle, and you're her friend, what are you doing here?" I ask when the two familiar faces walk into Maven's living room.
"I mean, you can ignore me, but his reason might interest you," Jake groans.
"I want to help get Eva back."

"Well you got here just in time. We're leaving for the capital tomorrow," Hunter replies. "Can you fight?"
"We're fighting?" I ask, unaware of this part of the plan.
"Not necessarily, but danger might show up, we need to be able to defend ourselves."

The plan is to find an Impure rebel group in the capital. There's one in particular that has infiltrated the palace a myriad of times and have gotten away with it. Someone Hunter and I used to be friends with joined a rebel group, part of me is hoping we'll find her in the one we're interested in. I just hope I don't find out that she's dead.

"I know exactly what you're thinking Cassie. You think Ada might be there, right?" Hunter says whilst Flynn and Jake walk into the kitchen with Alice.
"Well yeah... you think so too, though, I'm not alone in thinking it," I reply. "Anyway, can you blame me? She disappeared so quickly I barely got to say goodbye."

Ada Sanos is tied with Eva as one of the most peculiar people I've ever met. With fiery red eyes and short raven hair, even her appearance was a little peculiar.

I want to see her again. My relationship with her was an experience I'll never forget, and other than Hunter, I've never told a soul the full details of it all. I loved her, and I thought I may have been one of the only people like this. Maven and Charlie have made me feel massively better about it though, even if I haven't told either. Their willingness to be in such a dangerous relationship with each other is almost inspiring.

"So, if you do see her, how are you gonna react?"
"I'll probably cry, knowing me," I laugh. "You?"
"Eh, maybe a tear or two. But we don't even know if she'll be there, there's no point getting our hopes up yet."
"Yeah, but I can still hope..."

That evening we have to sort out even more sleeping arrangements, and in the end, the two extra guests have to sleep on the sofas. But before Eva's friend Flynn goes to sleep, he asks to see Eva's room.

"You'll have to be careful, it's more than a bit of a mess. I cleared some space on the floor but there are still books everywhere," I laugh, opening the door. "See."
"If she didn't live in a tent before, I can guarantee her room would've looked like this. She was always reading... so Maven told me you only met her the other day, what about the little dragon guy?"
"Cas? I don't know how long they've known each other exactly, but it's something like four years, pretty insane, right?"
"Not really, I've known her since I was around... five, so ten years now. But I did spend a good portion of that time thinking she was dead."
"Well thanks for showing me the room, I'll go sleep now, night."

He closes the bedroom door behind him and I sit on the bed. I've looked at a good portion of the books and at least half of them make no sense to me. All spells and potions and other nonsense, whilst the remaining half seems to consist of novels.

I quickly drift off, and soon it's morning. Soon it's time to leave.

The idea of going to the capital is unbelievable for me. That one Impure girl who would never listen to teachers (or any adults really) is now heading to where important Pures reside. Nobels. Royalty.

It's extravagant, maybe a bit too much so. Everything about it reminds me of my poor upbringing, and how I always desired these luxuries. But even as I experience them, Pures glance our way, like we're mere insects or - even worse - dirt itself.

"What are Impure kids doing here?" A voice hisses.
"Just ignore them, don't give them the attention they want. They don't deserve it."
"Do you think they're rebels?"
"Of course not, they are unfortunately not stupid, they know not to make themselves seen."

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