Chapter 8

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Eva's POV
Once Cas wakes up, I briefly explain what's going on. I'm glad this involves us stopping at Dragmire Drove, I might just be able to find some of the villagers I grew up with there. I wonder why this Hunter boy knows so much about travelling. Most Impures stay in one place for most of their lives, if it weren't for my circumstances, that likely would've been the case for me, and the rest of the villagers who made it out alive.

"So, you said you'd tell us how you survived the fire. So, go ahead," Hunter says.
"Right now? You need a bit of context behind it, so it might be a bit long."
"Well now I'm even more curious. Might as well answer Cassie's question while you're at it."
"Crap, I've never had to tell anyone the whole story. Maven knew half of it, Cas knew the other. Anyway, I guess I should start by mentioning my mum."
"Alice Kim, right?" Cassie asks.
"Yeah... well, here goes nothing."

As we walk, I begin to explain the story of basically my entire life. Or, all the main events at least. Just as I am almost finished, I feel something vibrate in my pocket.

"What is that?!" Cassie asks as I pull it out.
"It's a magic based communicator. It's like those electronic ones Pures have, but this one is actually portable. I prefer it, I guess it proves how much I prefer to use magic," I reply, noticing Maven's name on the screen.

"Hello," I say.
"Hey Eva, it's me, Maven. Are you two doing alright? How far are you?"
"Almost at Dragmire. But Maven, you won't believe this! We met some people in a village that's on the way to Dragmire, and they knew mum. They said she told them she's heading home. She's heading to Surrek, she must be!"
"Good God, really?! Well you need to hurry, surely! If you can find her then-"
"Then everything will be okay, I know. I'll find her, I promise."
"Don't promise me, promise yourself silly."
"Right! I'll call you later."
"Bye Eva."

After apologising for the interruption, I finish off the story.

"So you've both been cursed... but you Eva, you've been cursed twice?"
"Yeah, just my luck I suppose."
"Well hey, at least this one isn't as bad as that original curse. You two seem to get along well," Cassie smiles.
"Yeah, I think we've only fought once."

That's right. It was the second time we were separated from each other. The second time the curse actually affected us.

"About ten minutes now, if you stop chatting and start focusing on walking, we can be there in five," Hunter says.
"How do you know so much about travelling Hunter? We've lived in the same village the entirety of our lives, I don't think you've ever been gone for more than like two days."
"My dad travels a lot, don't know how he can afford to though. But he taught me how to read maps and whatnot. So I guess that's why."

It's approaching the evening. I would prefer to preserve as much of the money I have as possible, which is a problem because Cassie and Hunter likely don't have money for food. I can't just not get dinner for them, that would make me feel bad, but with all the train fares and whatnot, I'm worried I might run out of money.

Then again, I could...

Chances are, I might be able to steal some food from Hezra. If it's anything like it used to be, the markets will hopefully be full of food. When I was younger, mum and I would sometimes steal enough for the two of us to last a week. It wasn't too far from Surrek, so that's probably why it was so easy for us.

And no one knew us either, they would never be suspicious when we quickly disappeared. If just seemed like we were travellers who needed to pass through. The worst part was the hours walk there and back, it hurt my legs. Depending on how much I was carrying, it could hurt my arms too.

When we arrive at Dragmire Drove, part of it has a similar vibe to it, like when I woke up in Maven's new house for the first time and immediately felt like I recognised the interior.

Maybe the villagers that came to live here have left their mark on the place.

"Well, I suggest we find a place we can stay the night, then go get food. That way we have guaranteed warmth-" I begin.

"Is that-?"
"I think it is."
"It can't be, Alice said she was dead."

Turning around, I see a group of the villagers from Surrek. I immediately recognise them all.

Mrs and Mr Sutton, their son Flynn, Miss Vianna - the teacher that in her spare time helped mum teach me - and finally, mum's brother, my biological uncle. I never liked him, he treated mum poorly because she wanted to be able to live with Pures. Yet I spent most of my time as a five year old with him around.

I may've just been over exaggerating things in my mind as they occurred, but I swear he tried to kill me at least twice. Well, even if he didn't, he certainly never liked me.

"Eva... is that you...?" Miss Vianna says.
"Yeah, it's been a while."
"Oh my... Alice, she just left. She got on the train about half an hour ago," Mrs Sutton adds.
"She did? I- we need to go catch up to her, right now!"

"No, we agreed we would rest first. Look I know you want to find her Eva, but this is too far. You're going to strain yourself," Cassie says.

"I've got an idea. The four of you can stay with one of us for the night. Alice did. Let's see, there's not enough room in our place, what about you?" She asks Miss Vianna.
"No, so that leaves..."

They all glance at my uncle, and I can feel the fear building up inside me. Even if I'm almost certain he didn't try to kill me, he still tried to hurt me on several occasions. I can't spend the night at that monster's place.

"I'd rather not..." I murmur.
"Don't listen to her, it's a free place to eat and sleep, I don't know why you're turning them down you idiot," Hunter says.
"Well then, I guess it's settled. You four can go with Jake, if that's alright with you?"
"I guess, come on then."

He leads the way, both Cassie and Hunter following very close behind. I can't help but linger behind a bit, and Cas quickly notices my discomfort.

"Are you okay? Is there something wrong with that guy? Who is he?"
"My uncle. Last I checked, he hates both me and my mum. He doesn't like Pures, wants to kill them all, so to him I'm even more of an abomination than I am to most. He... he frequently tried to hurt me when I lived with him for a bit, I wasn't expecting to find him here."
"Well, I won't let him hurt you, alright? I'll keep an eye on him for you."

I catch up with the other two, still feeling awkward around my uncle. Why did things have to turn out like this? I would do anything to spend the night at literally anyone else's house, I'd even pay to go to an inn. But Hunter won't let me, and knowing Uncle Jake, neither will he.

"You guys go upstairs and dump your stuff in the spare rooms, I've got to speak to Eva."


Nova Note:

That's all folks

Bye y'all

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