Chapter 15

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Cassie's POV
"They're not back yet. Cassie, I can't wait much longer, let's just eat now. They can have the leftovers when they get back," Hunter groans, looking into the bag of food Eva gave me earlier. "Look, you're worried, I get it. But we're not going out to find them now, it's dark, it's dangerous. If they aren't back in the morning, we'll search."

"Right... what food is there?"

If anything can take my mind off of Cas and Eva, it's food. My stomach growls as I walk from the window to the beds. I know that Eva wanted privacy, but we shouldn't have let them go alone. Hunter and I may not be that much older, but letting two fourteen year olds go out alone, and stay out even when it's this dark, it's just a bad idea.

"Y'know what, you can eat, I'll go ask around to see if anyone has seen them."

Hunter tries to stop me, but I just can't sit there and do nothing about it. I'll just ask if anyone has seen either of them, I won't even knock on houses, I'll just ask anyone I see on the streets.

The first person I see is an old man, pale skinned with scraggly grey hair.

"Excuse me, have you seen two kids, both quite short. One of them has ginger hair and these bright yellow eyes, and the other hair kinda lilac hair and gold eyes," I ask as I walk up to him.

"Well I've certainly seen people who match those descriptions. What are their names?"

"Casper Carmen and Eva Kim."


I forgot that we were supposed to hide Eva's surname. I mean, what are the chances that this guy is related to Eva? Very low, right? It should be fine, right?

"Yeah, I think I know where they are, come with me."

Silently, I follow the man, though he doesn't lead me down the road to Surrek like I was expecting, instead into his house. I want to run away, it's obvious that they aren't here, but I don't think I'd get away with it.

Suddenly, he pushes the front door to the house open, storming into the room and slamming the door shut once I get inside.

"Did you really think you could get away with lying to us like that?" He yells at a younger woman, her long indigo flowing down her back as she sits at a table.

I recognise her.

"Why didn't you tell us your brat was here?"

"W-what?" She stutters, looking genuinely baffled. "I told you already, Eva's dead. She died in the fire, she-"

The woman looks like she's about to cry.

"Well this kid here just mentioned a friend by the name of "Eva Kim", isn't that right?"

Nervously, I nod, watching as her chestnut eyes widen. Then the tears come out of her eyes. Everyone else in the room sits or stands silently, watching her sob to herself.

"Are you, by any chance, Alice Kim?" I ask, breaking the silence of everyone else.

She nods, wiping the tears from her eyes. Her lips quiver slightly, though the corners of them twitch upwards. Forming a smile.

"Eva talked about you a lot. She's been searching for you, she thought she'd find you in Surrek, but clearly that wasn't the case. She hasn't come back yet, I was getting worried so I went to find her. I wasn't expecting to find you."

"I can help you find her, if you want."

And so Hunter sits in shock when I walk into the hotel with the so frequently talked about, Alice Kim.

She takes a seat on one of the beds, and the smile on her face doesn't leave. It's especially present when I tell her how me met her daughter only a few days prior to today. Well, that's until she asks:

"So you mentioned Eva told you about her past, so, from after the fire in Surrek, can you tell me what happened to her?"

As we eat some of the food from the bag, Hunter and I explain what we know about Eva. Her life in the palace, how she met Cas, her "death" and what we've heard about her life with this Maven both her and Cas talk about.

"Maven was right, I should've stayed with him, but then again, he certainly wasn't expecting what happened..."

The next morning, we set off to Surrek, the walk is long, and we walk it in silence. There's no sign of Cas or Eva, except from a trail of footprints leading from the village, into the woods.

It's peculiar, I only met the woman yesterday but I already sense the warmth of Alice Kim that Eva spoke so fondly of.

For a while, we only find more and more footprints, only belonging to one person though, Cas must've been in his dragon form. Then we encounter a clearing.

Eva's bag lies on the floor, the contents spilling out of it. In addition to that, a drop of blood, pink blood, is found on a piece of paper. A note.

Don't worry, you're friends are safe.

After all, who would dare lay a finger on a princess.

Excluding me that is.

"They're being taken to the palace, aren't they? Hunter, what are we going to do?"

"We'll go get them back," Alice says, staring at the photo Eva's uncle told us to give her.


I can't believe I'm getting involved with people I barely know. I can't even think of a reason why I should do this.

But part of me wants to.

I want to find them.

Nova Note: it's such a short chapter but it works for story purposes so I'm just gonna have to deal with it and stop complaining

I drew the protagonists of this tho

So Cas, Eva, Cassie and Hunter
There ya go

The order is Cas, Eva, Cassie then Hunter

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The order is Cas, Eva, Cassie then Hunter

So ya


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