Chapter 12

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Eva's POV
"Hey Maven," I smile when he answers the call.
"Hey Eva, is everything okay? Where are you right now?"
"On a train to Hezra. There was a handful of people from Surrek in Dragmire, including my uncle..."
"Did he do anything to you?"
"No, no not at all. Cas and I stayed the night with the Suttons, it was all okay. But, he did mention some family I haven't met might be in Hezra, so I'm going to use your surname if anyone asks for my name."
"Good idea, Eva Ebony, has a good ring to it," he laughs.
"Yeah, I'll see you soon, okay?"
"Uh-huh, call if you need me."
"I will. Bye."

"Is everything alright back home?" Cas says, placing his chin on the table.
"Sounds like it. I can't wait to get back, it's better there."
"Probably the best place either of us freaks could live. Where are you two gonna go after all this?" He asks Cassie and Hunter.
"Well... I guess we have to find some place to go. I only ever thought about running away... I never got particularly far in my plan," she sighs.
"They can stay with us, right Eva?"
"I guess, depends on what Maven says."

"We don't need your pity. We'll find somewhere to live, won't we Cassie?"
"Yeah, we will, but thanks for the offer. I think we've caused the two of you enough trouble already."
"You can say that again," Cas laughs.

As Cas and I laugh at his remark, the train pulls to a sudden stop, cutting us off and making Hunter almost fly out of his seat. Instead he only hits his head on the table.

"Ouch! What the hell?! That hurt!" Hunter yells, rubbing his head.

"What's going on? Are we going to be delayed even more?" I ask.

If we arrive in Hezra too late, I might not be able to find mum in time. What on earth could be going on?

"Listen up, all of you. Somewhere on this train, there's a half blood, and that half blood needs to be killed. If everyone stays calm, only the abomination will need to be harmed and everyone can continue on with their journey. Guards will be coming to check everyone's blood, everyone must remain calm when they show up."

"H-how do they... how did they find out...?" I mutter, my eyes widening.

"That doesn't matter for now, we need to hide you before they get here. Dammit, the windows are locked," Hunter says, tugging on the window.
"Do you know any spells that could work? Shrinking, invisibility, anything?!"

"I mean... I've seen them before, and read about them, but I don't think I've ever done one before. And I'd probably mess it up."

"Hey... gimme your arm Eva," Cassie demands, grabbing onto it before I can even answer. "Do you have anything red?"
"We got jam," Cas answers.

"That'll do."

He hands her a pot of strawberry jam and a plastic knife. She begins drawing lines on my skin with the jam, making them look like cuts. Red, Impure blooded cuts.

"It's sticky..." I groan.

"It's might help save your life. If you're already covered in cuts, they won't need to test your blood."

"I don't think this is gonna work."

"If it doesn't, we'll just have to get a bit dirty then," Hunter laughs, cracking his knuckles.

"I'm not a very good fighter y'know, neither is Eva."
"That's a lie! I beat up Flynn a bunch when we were younger."
"That's only one person though, and I'm sure he let you win. But you do have your magic, so maybe it'll be okay."

"Surely there would be a spell that could temporarily change your blood's colour."
"...There is... there is! And I've done it before, Cas, gimme some tissue so I can wipe this jam off and we'll get on it."

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