Chapter 34

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Eva's POV
"I thought we decided no secrets between us," Cas whispers as Flynn walks ahead. I guess he noticed Cassie handing me the letter, I didn't plan to hide it from him though.
"I was about to tell you, I just didn't think Flynn would be particularly happy about it. But listen, I'll decide whether I go or not based on what my uncle says. If he claims she's dangerous, I won't go."
"I don't think your uncle is a reliable source of information. But then again, if anyone will know anything, other than your mother, he's the safest person to ask."
"Exactly. Don't worry though, if I think he'll hurt me, I'll use my fire. Or something like that."

"What on earth are you two whispering about?" Flynn asks loudly. "Well, anyway, we're almost there. I recognise this area, can't be more than ten minutes now."
"Thank god," Cas yawns, "I'm pooped."
"You've done barely any walking, I'm the one who's been carrying you this whole time."
"She's right there Cas. You two both need to be on the lookout on the way back though, without Cassie and Hunter people won't be scared to try and hurt you."
"We'll be fine, we should probably rest first though. I don't think either of us could fight like this," Cas laughs slightly.
"Agreed, my arms are all achy. My legs too."
"I bet you wish you could become a dragon like me."
"Almost all the time."

It's true, the amount of times I tried to find a spell that could turn me into a dragon just after I met Cas was ridiculous. The most I could do was make it so I could float, so I failed to even get to the stage of flying.

But soon, we're in Dragmire, Mrs Sutton squeezing me tightly.

"I'm so glad you're safe! And you found Alice too, I bet she's so proud of how grown up her little girl is," she smiles, bringing warmth to my cheeks.
"I'm really glad to be back with her, I missed her so much," I reply.
"I bet. What do you think of Alice, Cas? She's wonderful, isn't she?"
"Yeah! She's super kind, I can see why Eva loves her so much."

"Hey, ma, I think you're forgetting someone," Flynn laughs slightly.
"As if, but I'm used to seeing you almost everyday, and your life wasn't in danger. Don't misunderstand, I'm very glad you're safe but-" before she can continue rambling, Flynn pulls his mother into a hug.
"Yeah, yeah, I missed you too."

Smiling, I wave to Flynn and begin to walk off. My uncle's house is right down the road, I need to ask him. When I reach it, I feel myself hesitate as I go to knock the door. But I quickly suck it up, and knock as loudly as possible.

"What are you doing here?" His question isn't angry in anyway, it's simply a question. He doesn't know, he expects me to avoid him until the day I die. And whilst I wish I could, now's not the time for that.

"Do you know an Isabel Kim?"

Suddenly, he grabs my arm and pulls me inside, slamming the door shut behind him. My fear almost makes flames spark from my fingertips but I stay calm for now.

"How do you know about Isabel?!"

He loosens his grip on my arm and I reach for my pocket to grab the letter. Calmly, I hand it to him, though I can feel myself shivering.

"She made it very clear she didn't want anything to do with us ever again. Especially Alice."
"Who is she?"

"My sister. Alice's sister. The one who Alice swore she would always stick with. Your aunt."

It hits me hard, even though it shouldn't be a surprise. But at the same time, why didn't mum tell me about her? Based on what he just said, they must've been close, did something happen?

"I don't know what you're planning kid, but don't go there. If she's angry at Alice, the moment she knows who you are, she'll take her anger out on you."
"I won't let her know who I am."
"That will be very difficult."

I ignore him, and walk back outside, Cas clearly unhappy with my response.

"We can't go. Eva, we can't..."
"But mum can't either. If she might take her anger out on me for being her daughter, then I can't imagine what might happen if mum goes."

Suddenly, Cas flutters off my shoulder and turns into his human form. He remains as still as a statue, not even going to chase after me when I begin walking off.

"What are you doing?" I ask, turning around.
"If I remain here, it'll only hurt you if you try to go. So I will, and then, hopefully you won't go."

"You're kidding, right?"

He doesn't react.

"Even if I do stay here with you for now, I can just take you there with me when you're asleep."

"Then I guess I won't sleep tonight. Or however long it takes. I'm not putting your life, my life, in danger like that."

His life. I forgot.

Sighing, I begin to walk back to him, and although I go to walk past, he grabs onto me and pulls me into a hug.

"I know you're curious about your family, I know you don't want her to hurt your mum, but I don't want her to hurt you, I told you before, I'll tell you again, I care about you."

Soon, I have my arms wrapped around him too, my face buried in his shoulder.

"Sorry for worrying you," I mutter at last, a slight smile on my face.
"It's okay, let's go back now. Flynn said we could stay the night at his, we might as well accept his offer."
"Right, come on Cas."

I feel myself drifting off almost immediately after my head hits the pillow. I don't even know why I thought I would have the energy to go to the address after all the walking today. I'm exhausted, and even though it's very clear to Cas, he stays in his human form for the time being, just to make sure I don't try and sneak off.

"You can trust me y'know..." I yawn, half asleep. "I'm not going to go, I'm not going to put your life in danger like that."
"I know I can trust you, I do trust you. But-"
"But what? C'mon, didn't we agree no secrets?"
"Right... well, I think I saw someone following us when we were walking back here. It was probably just me being all anxious, but I dunno... it seemed like it."
"Then we'll be careful on our way back to Cassie and Hunter. We won't let anyone hurt us."

"Right..." he sighs.

I've never seen Cas act this way. So dejected. So nervous.

"Is something else the matter?" I ask, sitting up. "You can tell me, I'll listen. I promise I'll listen. I-"
"I know you'll listen and maybe that's why I'm worried. But I'm scared... scared that for some reason, we'll be dragged back to the palace, or caught by someone else or-"

"I'm sorry," it comes out before I can stop it. "Of all the people you could be chained to it just had to be me. A runaway princess, a half blood, a thief, someone who can only bring you trouble."

"You know that's not true Eva. We're not chained, we're linked. And you're none of the things you say you are, you're Eva, you're my friend and that's all I care about. And you don't only bring me trouble, I was saved by you, I met some amazing people because of you, I learned to read and write because of you!

"Promise me you'll never doubt the fact that I'm happy to be by your side."

I don't respond for a moment, just stare down at fiddling hands, at burns and bruises.
"I promise. Because I'm happy to be by your side as well. Now come on Cas, I'm sleepy. Let's rest for now."

I know all is well when I feel his dragon form snuggle against me, forcing his way under blankets in order to feel warm.

"We can go see your aunt if you want... just don't let her know who you are... just be careful," he whispers, yawning every few words.

"It depends on whether you want to or not..."

"Well I am curious."

"Alright then..."

Nova Note:
I dunno what I planned to put in this note but Anime_and_gaming_fan said she would riot if I didn't upload so here you got friend


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