Chapter 16

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Eva's POV
I was introduced to him a bit after arriving at the palace. A young, Pure, nobel boy who (like many other Pure families) specialised in specific elemental magic. In his case, it was ice.

I couldn't tell you if his ability made him colder or not, after all, I only felt cold during that period of my life, but at first I couldn't see how someone as obnoxious as him could be someone so talented in manipulating ice, but over time it became more and more clear. Because at first, he was the only person whose actions reflected his soul. When he was excited, his soul would show that. No one else was like that.

Though, he didn't use his ice much. Like me, the adults tried to discourage him from using his magic, maybe that's why I gravitated towards him whilst all these other kids would run around casting spells during and after lessons.

But before I befriended him, I feel like I was a bit too horrible to him at times, when we first met, I was more than just a little blunt.

"Eva, come here," dad said, beckoning me over. "This is Sebastian Ayres. You may have seen him in your classes, I thought you could maybe start talking to him a bit, considering you haven't made many friends here."
"Hi! It's nice to meet you Eva!" He grinned, holding out a hand.
"I'm gonna go back to my room," I muttered. Just as I was about to turn around, dad grabbed my hand and pulled me back over.

"Please, just talk to him a bit, for me."

Sighing, I turned back to the boy, and shook his hand.

"It's nice to meet you too. I guess."

And we didn't talk to each other again for a while. That was until we had to pair up in one of my classes, and he was the only person left. So I reluctantly had to work with him, and I spent most of my time sitting in silence, doing the work, until he said:

"Do they not let you use magic too? I mean, all the other kids do, but not you."

"Well... I'm not supposed to, but I do... sometimes. Watch this..."

Suddenly, a small burst of flames appeared in my hands, though I put it out very quickly.

"Awesome! Teach me how to do that," he grinned. "I'll teach you how to do some stuff with ice too. We just need an excuse to get out of class."

He formed a shard of ice at the tip of one of his fingers, and cut a line into his skin. I could understand where he was going with this, I just had to play along.

"Miss," I called to the teacher.
"What is it Eva?"
"Sebastian cut his hand, should I take him to the infirmary?"

She seemed reluctant to let us leave, but she also was aware that she couldn't leave a Pure child bleeding like that. Pure parents would act on any little complaint their children made, and by that point, I was completely aware of that.

"I'll tell my father."

That's all I needed to say to allow us to leave. If I was feeling particularly daring, I could've even brought up my grandmother, the queen, but I decided against it. For, if I did complain, I knew she wouldn't do anything.

We ran off to the training area, where older nobles would train and learn to control their magic. Fortunately, there was no one in there, so I used the opportunity to show him the wand I was gifted by Rose.

"It's so intricate and pretty," Sebastian said, smiling as he examined it. "My ice is pretty too, watch!"

He placed his hand on the floor and a large shard of ice formed, poking up from the floor. Despite the lack of colour in my life, I could tell how beautiful it was and seeing I didn't think things could get any colder than they were for me, I placed my hand on the smooth ice.

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