Chapter 33

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Cassie's POV
"And that's it, that's where I've been. I'm sorry for running away, but you have to promise not to tell anyone any of this. We'd be in trouble if word got out," I say. I didn't mean to say so much about the little adventure we've been on, but it just spilled out. I told my father everything from Eva and Cas to Ada. He sat through it all, nodding occasionally, I think he was just happy to have me back.
"Next time, leave more than a little note before going on such an adventure. I would've at least liked to say goodbye," he laughs slightly, pulling me into a hug. "Everyone was worried sick. You might not believe it, but they were."

"So what happened after we ran off?"

"The police were searching all over, Officer Ebony got particularly involved."


Is that not Maven's surname?

"Is everything alright Cassie?"
"I want to talk to Officer Ebony, if that's alright. I need to ask him about something. Can you take me to him?" I ask.
"I can try, might take a while to find him."

We leave the house in a slightly awkward silence, and as we roam through the streets I notice people staring. The lost girl's back, the boy too. I wonder what people thought happened.

After searching almost everywhere else, we arrive outside his house, and dad knocks on the door. When he opens it, his eyes widen a little.

"My god, Cassie Ellis has returned," he laughs slightly.
"Can I talk to you about something, officer?"
"Oh, well I have some visitors already, but I'm sure they won't mind an extra guest."
"Visitors? That's a bit of a shock, I thought you were one of the most antisocial people in town," dad says with a laugh.
"They aren't from here though. Clearly they don't care about our rules though, one of them's a little thief."
"Heh, sounds like Eva," I laugh quietly as he beckons us inside. "Probably is her."

"Oh, so you know her?"

I was joking. I wasn't expecting Eva to have been caught stealing. Hopefully I can distract him with the topic of Maven and give Eva a chance to run. Then again, if he does know Maven, he'll likely know Eva too.

"Cassie?" Eva pouts, tilting her head as I walk into the living room. "What are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same thing, thief."
"So that's what he told you," Flynn laughs. "Don't worry, little street rat isn't going to be arrested today, turns out there was a familiar face here."
"So I'm probably right."
"Eh?" Cas asks.

"You lot didn't tell me you knew Cassie," the officer says, walking in behind me.
"I didn't exactly know you knew her."
"Officer Ebony, I'm sorry if this is a sore subject but I have to know now, especially considering the fact I know you know Eva and Flynn. Do you have anything to do with a man called Maven Ebony?"

His eyes widen, and he glances at Eva and Flynn.

"She's met him James. She must've figured it out herself," Eva sighs.

"Yes, he was my husband. But he thinks I'm dead, I can't just go see him now. I mean, I didn't think I could before, and now that Eva told me, I can't. He's found someone else. I can't show up in his life again."

"You kept his surname..." I mutter.

"It's all I have left of him. I'm sorry if you're a little lost about all this Mr Ellis. I-"
"Don't worry, I know most of the details from Cassie."

"Most?" Cas asks, settling on Eva's lap. He glares my way, and I can see that Eva is nervous too.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to report you. The only officer who knows is this one, and that's got nothing to do with me. That's your doing. So you must be Eva Kim then, the little book thief?"
"I heard you got a pretty impressive wand. Can I see?"

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