Chapter 22

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Eva's POV
"Eva?" Cas asks when we finally get back to my room.

That speech, it stressed me out more than anything else has done before. It was all lies. There's not going to be change, I haven't been tortured the past few years, I'm not happy to be back. I wonder how many people heard that and believed it. I bet Cassie and Hunter laughed at it. The lies, the audible terror in my voice, the fact that I'm a princess again, if it wasn't me in this situation, I'd probably laugh. In fact, in some twisted way, I find this funny.

The laughter comes out without me even realising. Some desperate laugh, hoping to find happiness in a time like this.

"I can't believe they made you say that."

The laughter quickly disappears, a frown forming on my face as I lie down on the bed.

"I hate them. I hate all of them. The queen especially. They should all go die," I mutter, kicking my shoes off. "Why did I think I could survive any amount of this?"
"Your dad too?"
"Do you want your dad to die as well...?"
"No... I could never want that for him. And even if I did, he might be our only chance for escape. The real problem is the Silence... and the dresses too," I answer, sitting up.

I head straight to the wardrobe and search for an outfit that's less extravagant, something that suits me more. In the end, I find a white blouse and black skirt, though I don't bother finding any shoes for the time being.

"We better be out of here by next week, next Thursday at the latest," I sigh, heading to the bathroom to get changed.
"How come?"

I simply smile at him before closing the door behind me.

It's Cas' fifteenth birthday next Friday. I don't want him to have to celebrate it here. And then there's the fact that I can't stand this much longer.

I'm exhausted, not even from the walking around. The Silence is already taking its toll on me.

As I button up the blouse, my wrists begin to ache and bruise. Suddenly, I hear a door open, and I turn, expecting to see Cas in the doorway, but it's shut. Someone entered my room. Curious yet scared of who's in there, I place my ear to the door.

"Where is she?"


"Huh?" Cas responds, his voice muffled through the door.
"Where's Eva? She can't be far, you two are linked after all," he says. "Actually, you can answer that later. Better question, what's it like being chained to her?"

"Chained? That's a pretty horrible way to describe it. Sure, the curse ties us together, but chained? It makes it sound unpleasant."
"So it isn't?"
"Of course not. We rarely fight, we're good friends. She saved my life..."
"Well then, if you want to at least help protect her you tell me where she is right now."
"And how will that protect her?"

"This is how."

The Silence around my wrists begins heating up, soon it's burning. Burning my skin. I can't stop myself from screaming out in pain.

"Oh, what an obvious hiding spot, I can't believe I didn't think to check there first."

As I sink to the floor, tears streaming down my cheeks, the door opens, and he stares down at me with icy eyes.

An ice manipulator burning me.

How juxtaposing.

How ironic.

How suitable.

"Did you think you could hide from me for long?"

"I-It's still burning."

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