Chapter 4

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Eva's POV
I found the newspaper not long after we started living with Maven. Now it's my most prized possession, it's almost impossible not to let out a laugh when I see it. Though at first I felt guilty, I realised how great it felt to finally be free from the grasp of the royal life.

Cas and I were exploring the town that was our new home, and I spotted a collection of newspapers in front of a store.

"Princess Eva killed by a despicable dragon," I read aloud, as we walked past.
"Wait, what?" Cas asked, turning round to see the newspaper sitting there.
"Look. Does that mean the Queen told everyone I'm dead?"
"And that I killed you...?"
"I guess. It means no one will come searching for me now, and the article says that you were killed. At least we're safe. We should buy this and show it to Maven," I said.
"Do you have any money?"

"I have years of experience in stealing things."

So no, at the time I didn't have any money. I got Cas to go talk to the shop owner to distract him, and I used the chance to stuff the paper in my bag.

"Hey Cas, hurry up, I wanna go now," I called.
"I'm coming!" He replied, running out of the shop. "So did you only steal the newspaper? Seems a bit pointless if you ask me."
"Nope, stole some chocolate too."

After splitting the bar in half, I passed some to Cas, who scoffed it down immediately. Since then, I've kept the newspaper on the wall of my room, and I can't help but laugh every time I see it. Everyone thinks I'm dead, everyone still mourns me, yet only Cas, Maven and his boyfriend Charlie know.

But today, the day we decided we need to try to break the curse, and hopefully find my mother, it serves as motivation. And I can't help but want to take it along.

"Hey Eva, hurry up, I'm waiting!" Cas calls from outside my room. It's awkward, although we are usually alright, we do have to wait around for the other at times, otherwise we get that horrific pain again. Since the curse was first placed on us, it's happened on two different occasions, neither of them being very pleasant.

But one of them stands out more than the other. The town we now live in is quite close to the palace, and to boost their reputation or something, members of the royal family sometimes come here. I guess it's to show the Impures that they do "care" for them.

Anyway, I was waiting for Cas outside of a shop, which was when I heard that some of the royal family had appeared. I thought it would be alright, that it was some uncle, aunt and cousins, but as I turned my head slightly, there they were. My father, and Rose. Without thinking, I ran as far as I could, racing into one of the alleyways before I almost collapsed from the pain. I didn't realise what I was doing until I was away from the danger.

"Eva!" Maven said in a hushed tone. "I saw those two, and I realised you could be in danger. Are you alright? Where's Cas?"

I only just managed to mouth the words "I don't know" as I pushed myself off of my side. Slowly, Maven helped me up, and once I had lifted my hood so it covered my head, we went hunting for Cas.

We found him lying on the floor surrounded by concerned citizens, as well as the two I ran from in the first place. Once we got close enough, I could finally walk on my own, and he seemed to be able to stand up now.

"Sorry to concern you, your highnesses. That just happens sometimes, I'll be leaving now," I heard him say, as he began to stand up.
"It's alright. We're glad you're okay," my father replied.

He watched closely as Cas walked over to us, and I think Cas noticed that, as he walked right passed us. I can only assume that my father thought he recognised Cas from when I was found with him. But he glanced in our direction, and I watched his golden eyes widen as he stared at Maven.

Before anything else could happen, I walked off to catch up with Cas, I'm unaware of what happened next.

I still have to remain cautious when we leave home, if anyone recognises me, I could be doomed.

But now's not the time to be scared, now is the time to be brave, and excited.

"You done yet!" Cas says.
"I'm coming!" I answer as I stuff the newspaper in my bag.

He stands there grinning, before turning back into a dragon and settling on my shoulder.

"It's time to go, right?"


Nova Note: usually I would complain about this being a short chapter but the next one is already written so there isn't much I can do about it lol

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