Chapter 25

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Eva's POV
"Who is it?" I ask, standing up.
"Please don't try and fight, you know what I'll have to do, just open the door," his voice says, slightly muffled but just as cold as usual.
"Give me five minutes to change, then I'll let you in."
"Alright then, be quick."

I listen to his advice, not even going into the bathroom to change out of the gown and just asking Cas to turn around instead. I grab a short black dress instead, and hide any and all evidence of my practicing. I know I was just considering asking for his help, but I also feel humiliated by the idea that I've been practicing all day and still can't get it right.

Just before my five minutes are up, I unlock the door.

"You skipped lunch. You know many people are dying to talk to you, try to be a tad more social tomorrow night," he says, walking inside.
"I was busy, that's why I didn't make it," I reply, barely a mutter.
"Busy doing what? Teaching the Impure to read?"

I shoot a glare his way before turning to Cas who sits in his human form on the bed, facing away from us.

"I can read, just so you know," he groans, not turning around at all.
"Sure you can. If you weren't helping him, then what was going on?"
"He was... helping me... I suppose. I can't-"

"Dance? Trust me, I remember. That's why I'm here, I've heard the singing all day, and the complaining from the both of you. Do you require my assistance?"


He grabs my hand immediately and pulls me towards him.

"You gonna continue to hum that little tune of yours?"
"I think it distracts me," I say, trying to find an excuse to get out of singing in anyway. "Maybe you should."
"You've heard me sing, it's almost as bad as your dancing. Impure, surely you can sing."

"I'm not singing for you."

"But you would for her, wouldn't you?"

He grabs onto my wrists, the Silence clunking together as he pulls them towards each other. Cas flinches at the noise, but keeps his eyes on the ground.

Then the tune. The one I've been humming all day. He starts humming it now.

Sebastian grips loosens around my wrists and he allows me to place my hands in the correct positions. One on his shoulder, the other in his hand.

One, two, three. One, two, three.

I repeat the words in my head, hoping to get the steps right.

"Keep your head up, if you focus on the steps too much then you're bound to mess them up," he says. Reluctantly, I comply, straining my neck to meet his icy eyes.
"Well that just doesn't make sense, does it?" I reply with a slight laugh.
"That doesn't matter. You're too tense right now."
"Can you blame me?"

He doesn't respond, just glares, sending a shiver down my spine.

Eventually, I begin to get the hang of it more, though I hate to admit it. Anyhow, it'll be much more difficult tomorrow, with a large gown and potentially heels.

"I'm impressed, you're a little better than I recall. Get some rest tonight, tomorrow will be an eventful day."

Almost to spite him, I grab the book Cas and I have been reading from the bedside table and lie down on the bed with it in my arms.

"You wanna read?"

"He almost hurt you earlier... are you really just going to ignore that?"

Of course not. I'm terrified at the thought of him. The moment I hear his voice even slightly, I want to run for my life.

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