Chapter 30

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Eva's POV
"Hey mum, we're going to eat now, do you want to join us?" I ask as I poke my head into the room. She sits there quietly, staring down at her hands that rest in her lap. "Mum?"
"Promise me that you're safe now," she murmurs.
"Even if you have to lie, promise me that they'll never hurt you again, promise me that I won't lose you again... even if none of it's true."

"I promise. And it isn't a lie."

She looks up with a slight grin on her face, and she slowly walks towards me, putting her hand on my head as she walks past.

"Let's go eat, shall we?"

I didn't want to tell her as much as I did, I tried to avoid certain details (mainly about the Silence and Sebastian) but that just means I'll have to get better at hiding the marks on my wrists. I didn't mention the nightmares either, and I know Cas is going to tell me that I shouldn't hide anything from them. Especially after I hid the appearance of my soul from him.

We follow mum to the cafeteria and I take a seat next to Flynn, who's plate is already almost completely empty.

"Everything okay?" He asks, taking a bite of one of the last bits of food.
"Mostly," I sigh. "I mean, considering the circumstances it's not going to be completely okay."
"Right, by the way the food tastes sh-" he begins but mum angrily glares at him. "Bad... the food tastes bad."
"Anything'll do, right Cas?"
"Uh-huh, I'm starving. Let's dig in!"

Flynn's right, the food does taste bad, especially considering the fact I've been eating food fit for a king the past few days (that is, when I did eat) but I'm starving and anything to fill me up is good enough.

"Aren't you full?" Cassie asks as I steal a bread roll from her plate.
"Nope," I split in half and give Cas some before immediately taking a bite out of my piece. "I could probably eat another meal, how about you?"
"I could probably eat two if I really tried. But I'm also exhausted, so I think I'll stop here," Cas replies.
"Agreed, we've got travelling to do tomorrow. I want to have energy for that."

Eventually, Lucky takes us to a spare room, where my bag resides, and where we awoke earlier. And when she's gone, Cas turns into his dragon form and settles down on the bed.

"If you ask me, you shouldn't be hiding anything from them. They were certainly aware of the Silence so it's going to be difficult to hide the effects of it. Unlike me, some of them can see souls, they'll figure it out eventually," he says.
"You're angry about that, huh? I should've expected it really," I reply.
"I just don't see why you would keep it from me."

I don't want to tell him how the idea of it terrified me, and I how knew it would worry him too. So I stay silent.

"Alright then, let's agree on this, you can keep secrets from them and I can too. But we don't keep secrets from each other, alright?"
"I promise. No more secrets between us, so if that's the case, I should really explain some of the aspects I avoided when telling you about my past."
"Well don't worry about it now, we're both tired, we both need sleep. We can talk when we get home."
"Back to Maven and Charlie."

We do a bit of reading, though the dim lighting of the room means I have to strain my eyes and I eventually give up, closing the book and suggesting we sleep now.

The next morning we're heading out straight after breakfast. As we walk down the capital streets (my hood over my head to avoid being recognised) I place my hand in my pocket and find a folded piece of paper residing in it. Soon, I'm unfolding it and remember what it is.

"Hey mum, look at this," I say, handing her the piece of paper.
"Wow, you can't have been more than four when this photo was taken. You were certainly more mischievous back then," she laughs.
"Eh, doubt it. She's always stealing stuff, mainly chocolate and sweets," Hunter replies, glancing over at me. "Goddamnit she's done it again!"

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