二十五 (Bonus Scenes)↓

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"Boo!" You jump on Shorter waking him from his slumber.

"Hello?" He groans opening his eyes then closing them again upon seeing you.

"Shorter get up." You squish his cheeks repeatedly.

"Y/N," Shorter whines trying to roll over.

"Today is the day that we're taking my sister's kids to the trunk or treat thing," You remind him.

"My sister really wants to meet you since she moved back." You add getting off of him to put on your costume. Both Shorter and you had decided to go as pirates which matched your nephews' costumes.

Soon Shorter is out of bed and dressed completely. After you finish your makeup you head out to your sister's place. Since she had to work she asked if you could take them instead. Of course you agreed your nephews were good kids and so adorable.

Once you reached her home the kids were excited to see you. You made sure they recognized you as the cool aunt. Carter, who was the oldest, came rushing in first followed by Ian.

"Auntie Y/N, come see my new room." Carter grabs your hand. Ian whines to be picked up making grabby hands at you. You may have spoiled the kids.

"Who's that?" Carter's attention switches to the male behind you.

"Are you auntie's boyfriend?" He giggles like its the funniest question in the world.

"Yes, I'm Shorter. What's your name?" He crouches down to the kids level with a smile.

"My names Carter, why is your hair purple? And whats that on your eyebrow?" He points to the piercing.

"This is a piercing...like an earring for your eyebrow." Shorter explains awkwardly.

"I got earrings, but they're on my ears. See." Carter shows off his newly pierced ears.

"Carter isn't giving you a hard time is he?" Your sister comes from the kitchen with a bowl of cake batter. Shorter looks up shaking his head no.

"I'm Carmen, you must be Shorter I've heard quite a bit about you."

"Ah yes, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you as well. Come have a seat I still need to put Ian's costume on he's giving me a hard time." You all move to her living room.

"I'll put it on for you, you just finish what you're doing." She nods and heads back to the kitchen. The whole time Carter had been asking Shorter a million questions at once.

"How old are you?" Shorter asks the enthusiastic boy.

"I'm 4 and Ian is 3. I'm turning 5 tomorrow on Halloween." Carter informs.

"Do you wanna see my room? I have a racecar bed it's blue my favorite color." Shorter let's the 4-year-old drag him away. You smile as you watch them leave.

"Carter seems to really like Shorter." Your sister appears once again.

"Yeah, I'm glad." You finish zipping the bird onesie onto Ian.

"Oh?" Carmen raises an eyebrow.

"I just feel like he's the one." You admit.

"Well I hope that's true he seems like a nice guy and I wouldn't want to see you hurt."

"How are things with Liam?" You ask.

"The usual he stays busy with work. A true workaholic like you." Carmen laughs.

"You guys better get out if here or else there won't be any parking for you guys. My car is unlocked so you can just take the carseats." You need picking up Ian and walking to the boys shared room.

Picking inside you see Shorter sitting on the ground playing with the swords Carter had. They both were making pirate noises and when Carter stabbed Shorter in the side he fell and pretended to die making Carter cheer.

"I see you boys are having fun, but its time to go." Carter grabbed his bucket and dashed to the front door. You grabbed one for Ian as well and made your way out. You walked around the huge parking lot and they even had free food. Many people thought your pirate crew outfits were adorable, especially Ian as the parrot. When it was finally time to drop the boys off after Shorter taking them to get ice cream they didn't want to leave.

"I wanna go with auntie Y/N." Carter was throwing a fit.

"You can't go tonight Carter they have things to do." And then the tears started flowing setting Ian off as well.

"Tomorrow is your birthday, right?" Shorter gets on his knees to talk to the boy. Carter nods sadly still crying.

"If you listen to your mommy we'll come over to hang out with you for your birthday." Carter's tears slowly started to stop to the point it was just shaky breathing.

"Is that okay?" The boy nods wiping at his tears. Shorter smiled and ruffles his hair your sister thanks him and you both leave.

"I didn't know you were so good with kids." You spoke suddenly.

"Yeah, I love kids. I want to have some someday not any time soon though."

"Good to know." You nod and look out the window.

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