Golden Days

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Otp Prompt #23: There's a fair in town, and all of Watford attends. Everything in Simon and Baz's lives has gone to hell... they deserve one night of forgetting everything. What will happen on their last day of freedom under the neon lights of the carnival? (Before the defeat the Humdrum, after everything else except Baz and Simon aren't together yet.)

*Baz's POV*

My father is an arsehole. After everything that's happened this year, of bloody course I felt it horrifically unnecessary to go to a carnival. Crowley, we should still be focused on the war with the old families and the Humdrum, for fucks' sake! When I told my father my plans of sitting it out, he for some reason felt the need to fight me on the subject.

"Basilton, you'll regret it if you don't go, you know." He had said to me, looking bored. (Although I knew that he wasn't bored- he was fully alert and intent on giving me hell.)

"Father, in what world would I regret not going to a silly party for children where all they serve is..." I visibly shiver as I lace disgust into my tone. "Fried." He rolled his eyes then, as he does so often.

"These are the good days, my son. You should make memories- you'll regret it later if you don't go tonight." Well that was the biggest bloody load of shit I had ever heard. The good days? Yes, yes, the good days in which I spent pining over my enemy that was destined to kill me, loathing myself to a point of insanity, and trying to find my mothers' killer. What wonderful memories.

I tried to keep my composure as I said, "But, father, I really see it more fit to-"

"Basil. Enough. This is non-negotiable, I'm afraid. You are to go to the carnival and that's that." We didn't discuss it further. I knew I could have simply skipped, but no doubt that he'd find out somehow. I promptly huffed (with dignity- I'm not a troll) up to my room and stayed there for the rest of the afternoon, playing mournful songs on my violin.

I'll be damned if I, Basilton Grimm-Pitch spend the whole carnival moping because father dearest told me I had to go. I was just going to sit on a wall smoking with Dev and Niall, but apparently their parents couldn't make sense of why they should go, either. They're currently at their respective homes, preparing for the inevitable war.

The carnival is already loud and large, and it's not even noon yet. Most of Watford attends, which explains the mysterious floating popcorn all around. There are people everywhere, their pulses beating unbearably loud. (I had to drain two deer before this, just to make sure I wasn't tempted by all of the flowing blood around.) Looking around, I see people I know, but I've never talked to. (Mostly because they're inferior.) I don't want to go in. I don't want to make 'memories' with people who would like to see me dead, and I most certainly don't want to be here watching Snow and Wellbelove cozy it up on the ferris wheel.

Startling me from my thoughts, I feel a finger tap me on my shoulder. I whip around, expecting to see Dev or Niall after all, but instead, I'm face to face with Simon Snow himself. (Well, not face to face so much. More like his face to my jaw.) Speak of the devil. He looks beautiful, as always. His bronze curls are a halo of gold around his face and his (extra)ordinary blue eyes. He looks nervous, but determined.

"What do you want, Snow?" I sneer.

*Simon's POV*

I wish he wouldn't sneer at me so much. I came over to him because honestly, he was the only familiar face I could find. Not much time to socialize with anyone but your bloody roommate, (ex) girlfriend and best friend when you're the chosen one.

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