Secrets in the Dark

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COC #19: Apocalypse

The world is ending and Simon and Baz are stuck with each other in their last few hours.

~ I love the way this one turned out! Enjoy! ~

"Have you seen the news?" I ask Baz hurriedly, as if every word matters now more than ever. As if anything matters anymore. He rolls his eyes casually at me, as if nothing matters to him anymore. (To be fair, he'd have a good reason.) Maybe he's just going to ignore what's happening. (I might believe that if he wasn't lying on his bed now, drinking his bloody sorrows away. Can vampires even get drunk?)

"I'm not a Normal, Snow. I don't watch the news. But I do know what's happening, yes." He takes another drink of his whiskey. It's already unbearably hot in the room, and we're still hours out from when it starts to kill.

"And you don't care?" I sit up on my bed, facing him. He sits up as well, matching my glare.

"No, Snow. The world is set to end in flames in a matter of hours- why care when there's nothing I can do about it?" Sighing, I move to leave the room and go... anywhere, really. Though I s'pose I can't do anything I want to. Penny and I have already said our goodbyes before she left for her home, and I don't fancy spending my last hours with Agatha. (Maybe that makes me a right barmy arsehole, but why care when it doesn't matter?)

When I put my hands on the doorknob, it burns to the touch- it burns burns. I yelp and jump back, cradling my hand. "Jesus Christ that's hot!" I whirl around to see Baz standing and rolling his eyes as he reaches for the doorknob. "Baz, wait-" I reach out to stop him, but he sneers at me and puts his hand on the handle.

As he tries the door and turns the handle, it still doesn't open even as he pushes and pulls with all his strength. "Crowley, I suppose we're stuck, Snow. Mechanism is melted and welded." He turns away from the door and my whole body is itching to rush to him and check his hand to see if it got burned.

"Baz, is your... is your hand okay?" He sighs for the umpteenth time this minute as he flops (gracefully, as always) back on his bed and holds his hand out for me to see. Not a mark or a welt anywhere on it. "How-"

"Indirect contact with fire - like heat - doesn't hurt me."

I ignore his (almost- maybe I can get him to admit to it later) admission to being a vampire (it hardly matters now, anyway) and stare at him. "But you're flammable?"

"Very much so... with direct flame," He catches himself and continues, "I mean, aren't we all?" We lapse back into silence for a few moments, but I can't help it when I start talking again.

"Why aren't you upset that the world is ending?" I inquire.

"What is with the questions, Snow? I'm happy it's finally going to be over with. The only upsetting thing about it is having to spend this joyous occasion in this infernal room with my daft roommate." He huffs while unbuttoning his shirt halfway and kicking off his shoes and socks. I try my hardest to ignore the twinge I felt in my heart as he insulted me and follow suit, peeling off my shirt and taking my shoes off, too. Merlin, it's hot in here.

"Since we're going to die soon, why don't we just make the best of it?" I ask him. I'm so tired of fighting- none of it matters now, anyway. So why bother?

"How do you mean?" He crinkles his eyebrows in a simply mesmerizing way; I'm just realizing now that the way his face curves when he does all of his different faces is truly elegant.

"I mean... well I mean that maybe we should just call a truce. For the rest of our lives." I smile at him as he chuckles at my joke. He stares at me with his wet pavement eyes and he nods slowly. "So truce?" I ask him.

Chamber by Chamber // SnowbazWhere stories live. Discover now