Finding His Fangs 101

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OTP Prompt #27: It's eighth year, and Simon has cooked up a very... unique idea to get Baz to reveal his fangs.

~ So... this is some fang fluff for Daughter_Of_TheSea! It was very very fun to write, however it does take on some more... risque tendencies in the beginning but I promise it get fluffy. This is not smut- just thought I'd preface with that. Anyway, I really hope you enjoy! ~

I have tried everything to get Baz to show me his fangs. Well, presumed fangs, as Penny says. But he's a bloody vampire, and I just know it. The cold, pale skin, the sneaking around in the catacombs, and having colour right after. The strength and grace he has on the pitch, his cheekbones! (Penny says that has nothing to do with vampirism- but I know better. I've seen Twilight.) I've tried scaring him into it (he's never even flinched), punching him into it, provoking him into it, giving myself a papercut near him, etc. And I'm almost bloody positive that his fangs pop out when he eats. So anyway, I've decided to try a different tactic. It probably won't work, and he'll probably punch me for it, (not probably. He will) but it's my last resort. I haven't told Penny about it and I'm not going to, because she'll lecture me for it, no doubt. I'm going to Bella him. As in Bella from Twilight.

As in seduce him. Logically, I know he's probably not even capable of being seduced. And especially not by me. Hell, I don't even know if he's gay. (I'm not, but. Drastic measures, yeah?) Logically, I know that this will not work. But when have I ever been one for logic? I haven't got much planned out, but I'm in our room now, and it's dark and he's just got back from the catacombs, so I'm thinking I'll just go from there.

When Baz sees me sitting up in bed, he looks me up and down and then sneers. "Snow." His voice is clipped and to the point, blatantly showcasing the hate he feels for me. Crowley, this might be harder than I thought. (No- bloody impossible is what it might be.) I can't work up the nerve to get up and approach him before he locks himself in our bloody en suite, and I hear the shower turn on.

I could go into the en suite while he's in the shower. I could. I probably shouldn't. But I very well could. And if I did and he was starkers, it might speed the process up a bit. I feel my cheeks burn at the thought of Baz naked. I wonder briefly what would happen if I went in there starkers. Bloody armageddon, probably. (This is the most my mind has thought this year.) But apparently, I've thought too much without any action, because by the time I finally un-glue my arse from my bed, Baz is out of the bathroom in his posh pajamas, completely ignoring me.

His back is facing me when he says, "Can I help you with something, Snow?" (He has eyes in the back of his head, he does. Bloody vampire.)

"Erm," I stutter as I stand up, moving toward him. Just fangs. I just want to see the fangs. "Actually, yes," I try my best to sound seductive, but I s'pose I sound right constipated because Baz spins right around and quirks an eyebrow at me.

"Alright there, prat?" I'm bloody done with this. I only wanted to see his fangs, and now he's insulting me and standing so close that I can see blue flecks in his grey eyes, and his cold is seeping through my warmth and I'm only focusing on his hair, and when did I start looking at his lips? (My mind is going too bloody fast.)

"Baz-" I whisper it, but his name gets engulfed by the bloody devil himself as his lips press against mine. It's all teeth at first, but he slows the kiss down, and I take him by the back of the head to deepen it. His mouth is soft and cold, and much nicer than a bloke's mouth should feel. But he pulls back all too soon, and looks right mortified. A faint blush creeps up his neck to his cheeks.

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