Your Fucking Moron

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COC #4: Dreams

Everything is perfect and lovely and gay... for thirty blissful minutes while Simon is sleeping.

~ Happy Thanksgiving, frens! To everyone who gets anxious at these family gatherings you might partake in: I'm always free to message if you get uncomfortable! 😂 Crowley knows I do, too. ~

Baz. Baz and his hair. Baz and his cheekbones. Baz and his exposed abs. Baz and his lips. Baz and his lips on my lips. Baz and his soft hair running through my fingers. Baz and his bloody tongue exploring my mouth. Baz Baz Baz.

"Baz..." I whisper breathlessly between fervent kisses. He pulls me back in for a moment before letting me pull back to keep talking. "We... we have to get to Penny's. For dinner." He leans his forehead on mine, breathing heavily for a moment before nodding against me.

"Right. Right. Bunce's. I forgot about that," He exhales after he smiles softly and kisses me once on the forehead. He pulls a shirt over his head, much to my protestation. "Snow, I'm certain if I showed up at Bunce's shirtless just for your pleasure, I would not bloody well be welcomed back." I sigh and get up to join him in our room, pulling my shirt on, too.

"Do we have to go to Penny's today?" He looks at me expectantly. "I can think of... much better things we could be spending our time doing." I run my fingers lightly over an exposed piece of skin on his stomach and he shivers. He breathes in my ear.

"You were the one who stopped us, Simon. I had no trouble staying put." He whispers. The way he says my name is my weak spot. I frown at him and go to place a long kiss on the back of his ear. After a few moments of him closing his eyes (and me staring at him), he takes in a long breath and snaps out of it. "No. I am nothing if not polite. Come along, Snow." He drags me over to get my shoes on and I huff the whole way.

We're in the car and almost to Penny's house soon enough. Baz laces his fingers through mine in the middle of the console as he drives with the other hand, and I take a moment to admire him. The way his ever-so-slightly crooked nose flows down into the curve of his lips. I squeeze his hand and he squeezes back, giving me a sideways glance.

When we get to Penny's, Baz grabs my hand again as we walk in and greet Penny in her flat. "Oh my gosh you guys! It has been way too long!" She exclaims, hugging the both of us.

"We saw you yesterday, Pen," I laugh loudly.

She rolls her eyes and mutters "Sod off," With a smile. She guides Baz and I into her kitchen where I can smell roast beef, potatoes, and... SOUR CHERRY SCONES! Fucking hell, now I know why I love her. She and Baz laugh as they see the ecstatic look on my face. Baz and I sit down at the table and Penny brings the food out to the table; Baz dishes my plate up for me, tall and delicious. He puts some on his plate, too, and just by habit, I pile a little more on. He gives me a knowing smile.

When Penny finally sits to join us and piles her food high on her plate, she starts, "So, guys, what's new in yo-" She stops mid sentence and gasps, her hands flying to her mouth and chest. I pause mid sip of cider and raise an eyebrow at her. "Aleister fucking bloody Crowley! Merlin, Methulusah and Morgana! You didn't Baz! Nicks and Slicks, when were you going to tell me?!" She lurches forward in her chair and yank my left hand towards her to inspect it.

Baz lets out a smooth laugh. "In time, Bunce. In time." His smile is bright as he looks at me, his eyes crinkling at the sides. Penny turns the ring around my finger about a million times, inspecting every square inch. When she decides that it's up to snuff, she returns my hand and stands in her chair, coming around to hug me tightly. (What she doesn't know is what's engraved on the inside of the ring- I s'pose that's for only me to know.)

"Are you just so excited, Si?!" Before I even get to nod my head excitedly, she starts off on a tangent. "I can not believe you two tits didn't tell me sooner! Oh but Crowley, I'm just- UGH! I'm SO happy for you two! Of course, I'll have to be involved in your wedding planning- Merlin knows you two couldn't put together a whole wedding alone! What a bloody mess that would be! Anyway, Simon, Baz, tell me about the proposal! Great snakes, this is so exciting!"

We spend the rest of the dinner talking about the upcoming plans and other small topics like Uni. By the time dinner is over, I'm tired and stuffed full. I'm likely to burst if I eat even one more thing. (Which is tempting, considering there's still one uneaten cupcake left on the table.) (I pick it up and eat it, anyway.) We say our goodbyes to Penny and walk out to our car. When we get into our seats, Baz takes my hand and pulls my palm to his mouth, giving it a soft kiss.

"Ready to go home, love?" (Love. My second favorite name that he calls me when we're being soft, second only to 'Simon'.) I nod my head and smile before leaning over to kiss him on the cheek. (Even after all this time, I feel sparks when we touch.) He pulls out of the parking lot and drives us home to our flat. We don't talk much- we just enjoy each other's company.

"Hey Baz?" I ask halfway into the drive.

"Yes?" I pause like I'm going to say something soft or meaningful. But of course, that would hardly be true to our relationship.

"Are your fangs like straws or do you just use them to bite and then you suck the blood out?" He lets out a bark and rolls his eyes, shaking his head.

"You absolute nightmare. You fucking moron."

"Your fucking moron." We smile the rest of the way to our flat.

When we finally get home, we get ready for bed quickly. Baz goes out and has a few squirrels. (I'm used to it, now. I'd rather be in love with a vampire than be a vampire, so put into perspective, it isn't all that bad.)

In bed we curl into each other. Baz is behind me, his arms wrapped tightly around me, every inch of our bodies touching. After a moment, I roll around and face him, but his arms don't move. I'm so wrecked for him.

"Baz..." I don't talk about my feelings a lot, but I figure what better time to be soft than the day he proposed? "I love you very, very much." He doesn't say anything for a minute, just looking into my eyes.

Very softly- as if he's afraid of startling me- he says, "I love you too, Snow. My lovely fucking moron." I smile at him and press my lips to his.

Baz. Baz's lips. Baz's heart. Baz's brain. Just... Baz.


I wake with a start, looking around the room. My Watford room. In front of me, Baz stands in front of our mirror fixing his tie. He side eyes me in the mirror, sneering.

"Problem, Snow?" He spits with all of the venom as he usually does. I collapse back onto my bed, burying my head in my pillow, ignoring him as he huffs out of the room.

It was all just a dream. 

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