To Endings and Beginnings

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Otp Prompt #14: After discovering that Baz doesn't age, Simon begs for Baz to turn him so they can be together for the rest of their lives. (Way post canon- they're about 30 in this one)

"Not a wrinkle, Snow. Not even a grey hair." Baz is holding my hands, but nothing feels real. I feel like I'm floating above, watching my life crash down around me. (Baz is my whole bloody life, in case you didn't know). It's been years since I lost my magic. In that time, I've gone to therapy, attended Uni, got a job at a bakery (I get to eat as many free sweets as I want), fallen in love with Baz (probably the most surprising thing) and married him (which may be even more surprising) (although Penny says it came as a surprise to no one- not even Agatha). And now, so many years later, I've found a grey hair. I'm seeing that I'm starting to get wrinkles. And Baz still looks like the 18 year old (albeit he looked like he was in his twenties even back then) that I fell in love with oh so long ago.

I can feel my stomach drop to the floor. He's holding my hands, and I can't keep my eyes from watering. He's not aging. We always knew that it was a possibility, but we've been so busy that it just... slipped from our minds. We never talked about what we would do if we discovered that he couldn't age. But deep down, I think I always knew my choices. Either end it with him (I can't bloody well be 80 and still be with a guy who looks as though he just turned old enough to drink legally) or... or have him turn me. I've been thinking about this a lot for the past month or so. Would I even want to be turned? What would it be like if I was? Would I have to watch all of my friends die? But there was a point- maybe it was last week- that I looked down at Baz, safely asleep cocooned with me and my wings... and I just knew that I couldn't live without him. I had loved him since I was a child, and he's always been my protector; my rock. I have never known another love like ours, and Crowley, I don't want to either. All I want to do is stay with Baz forever, vampire or not.

"Baz, love," He looks up at me, worry dancing across all of his features. I try to rub soothing circles on his hands. "I can't live without you- I just can't. It's not possible. I've been thinking about this for a long bloody time, and I've made up my mind," He waits patiently as I take in a deep breath. I'm more sure about this than I've been about anything else in my life. "I want you to turn me." His face goes from soft and vulnerable to as hard as stone in less than a second. He rips his hands out of mine and sneers at me. (A look I haven't seen since our days at Watford).

"No." He replies simply, leaving no room for discussion.

"But, Baz-"

"No, Simon. I will not turn you. I will not allow you to become this... this monster, just for me. I just won't. I won't be able to live with it, knowing that I turned you into a blood-sucking monster just to spend eternity with someone who's not even worth it. I can't let you live like that." A monster? I have never once thought of him as a monster. He's a lot of things; a complete arsehole half the time, a complete know-it-all, and just a complete wanker sometimes. But he's also my future. He's my rock, my soul, my guide, my love. My everything. Living without him... s'like trying to live without oxygen.

"Baz, please. You are not a monster by any means! I love you and I can't see myself living without you... Baz," He's still trying to pull away, but I won't let him. Not this time. "I can't do this without you. If you love me- like really love me, you'll turn me." I stand my ground, no matter how uneasy Baz's stare is making me feel. I don't know why I threw in the if he loves me part. I guess I just know that he'd never do anything to show me that he doesn't love me... right?

He looks me right in the eyes (the fucking git... he can't even make me feel better by looking away) and says the only thing that could possibly make my whole world crumble around me. "Then I guess I just don't love you enough to turn you into something like me." And he starts walking away. At this point, I'm willing to say anything to make him turn back and make my tears stop streaming.

"Baz, if you don't do it then I will find another vampire to do it for me!" He pauses for a moment before spinning back around and pressing me up against a wall. His eyes are fierce- the stormy grey of choppy waters.

"Simon Snow, you wouldn't dare." (Legally my new last name is Grimm-Pitch, but he calls me by my old name when he's angry with me). The intensity of his stare is enough to make me shrink back even further.

"I would." My voice comes out much higher than I had wanted it to, but it still sounds like I'm standing my ground. I love him and he loves me. And if all of those books and movies are true, then love can conquer all. Or at least our love can.

"I have never once fed on a human, nor have I ever intended to, Snow." He growls at me, but I know him well enough to see that he's starting to give in a bit.

"I trust you, Baz. I know you wouldn't hurt me." He looks away from me, so I grab his chin and tilt his face back toward me. "Hey, hey. I trust you." I can see his fangs pop out, making his cheeks look fuller. I steel myself, preparing for the ending (and beginning) of my life.

"I love you." He leans down and he murmurs the words against me neck.

"I love you too. So much." Here's to our future I think before his fangs pierce the skin on my neck.

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