The Stars Taunt Us- Ch. 2

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*Baz's POV*

I left Simon alone on the hill hours ago. I just had to get away from him and his blue eyes and his bronze curls and just his overall Simon Snow-ness. I let him lay on the hill with me because I thought that for once in his fucking life, he'd stay quiet and let me think. Merlin, was I wrong.

It hadn't even been ten minutes before Simon started talking again. "Baz, I know that I hurt you, but-"

"Snow. Enough." He looked over at me as though he physically couldn't stop the words from tumbling from his mouth. (I was foolish to believe I could get even a moment of silence when I'm near him.) He stayed quiet for only a minute before he spoke again.

"Listen, I know that I broke your heart, and that wasn't okay. But I... well, I thought you'd come right back, now didn't I? And I-"

"Snow, just fucking stop! I can't... I need some space. Just text me, for Crowley's sake!" I stormed off in a huff, leaving my Snow (I suppose he's not my Snow anymore) all alone on the hill, leaving me to look up at the stars in jealousy.

I can't even bloody think when I'm around Simon. An hour or so after I left, I got a text from him.

We should talk, Baz. He texted an hour ago.

Just meet me at the cafe tomorrow @ 12. I'll be waiting. He texted half an hour ago. I didn't respond.

Of course I know exactly what fucking cafe he's talking about. The quaint little one on the corner of Piccadilly Circus and Coventry Street. We went there once in the pouring rain. I was ravenous; I didn't even bother covering my mouth when I ate. Snow loved it so much (he said he loved me so much that very same day) that we started going there at least once a week. It became our 'spot', so to speak. Our safe place.

I don't have a safe place anymore. My safe place used to be my room at Watford. Shortly after it had been anywhere Simon had been. Simon Snow was my safe place. Now... I don't know. Maybe my safe place is just sitting on a hill, talking to the stars. I don't know yet if I'll meet him at the cafe (might be too many memories- I shouldn't be influenced), but if I know Simon Snow (and I do... in a way I thought he'd never let me), I know that he'll never leave me alone (Crowley, I still don't know if I want him to leave me alone) unless I meet him. So I suppose I should.

I'm on the roof of my flat complex now, in my new safe place. I sit on the roof, my back against a wall, staring at the stars. Wishing that I could stop loving Simon Snow.

*Simon's POV*

I'm at the cafe now. When Baz left me on the hill last night, I just laid there for a very long while, thinking. Thinking about us. Thinking about the stars. I am going to fight for him- I just have to. I can't let us die again. I know that he thinks I broke his heart (okay, technically I did, but that's beside the point) but maybe I just cracked it. Fractured it ever so slightly. One time I fractured my ankle. (Thanks to Baz.) But because of that, I know that with time, fractures can be healed. We can be healed. His heart can be healed.

I know that he'll know which cafe I told him to meet me at. It's our cafe- our safe place. It's the place that I knew I fell in love with him. (Not the place that I did fall in love with him; that took time, denial, a few hits to the head and one kiss in a burning forest.) If I just give him a (slightly) reasonable amount of space and I play my cards right, I know I can get him back. For Merlin's sake, not to sound cocky, but Baz has told me that he fell in love with me years ago. Madly in love. And a love like that doesn't very well just go away over the course of a year.

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