Magic, Books, and Sleepy Kisses

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Otp Prompt #8: Simon is struggling trying to read a book for Magic Words- desperate, he asks Baz for help... (A variation of the Levi and Cath scene from Fangirl)

I walk into our room to only to see Simon fucking Snow throwing a book (a book. I swear. It's like he doesn't know they're sacred) onto his bed and tugging at his hair with frustration. I simply ignore him and walk over to my bed and try to focus on homework. But it's quite hard to focus on Poli-Sci when your bloody roommate is exuding waves of magic so potent you can taste it. I look over to see him still on the first page of his book.

"Having trouble, Snow?" I try to say with extra malice and a sneer to get him back for throwing the book. His face is red and he rolls his eyes.

"Yes, it's just this book-"

I cut him off and say, "I didn't know you could read." He holds my gaze, eyes watering

"That's the problem you tit. I... I can't read." I just sit dumbfounded. The Chosen One doesn't know how to read? Suddenly I feel bad for making fun of him about it.

"Can't say I'm surprised, Snow. I always knew that your intellect didn't go past that of a first year." I spit, when all I really want to do is hold him and tell him it's okay, Simon I can help you.

"It's not that I can't read. I can read. I just have trouble getting in all the words and remembering them. It's like all of the words move around on the page...," He looks over at me to see if I'm listening. I am. Understanding? That's a different story. "And now I have to read this book called The Outsiders for Magick Words in two days and just... ugh. I can't." His eyes water and my arms just yearn to wrap around him and tell him it'll be okay. But of course, I have a reputation to uphold. I just ignore him (without a sneer this time- I'm not completely cruel) and try to get back to my homework.

After a few minutes of trying (and failing) to ignore Snow, he pipes up again. "Hey, Baz?" My name comes out of his mouth comes out like honey. Soft and sweet. I look at him, silently telling him to continue. "You're a pretty good reader, right?" I scoff but nod at him nonetheless. "Do you think you could... I mean I know we're not friends, but- er, Baz what I'm trying to say is-"

"Spit it out." I lace my voice with venom and sneer at him for good measure, but it doesn't deter him from continuing to stutter.

"I, um... could you read to me?" I raise an eyebrow in answer, knowing he hates it when I do that. "Not the whole thing. I can get Penny to read some of it to me tomorrow. Just a few chapters?" I want to say no. I so desperately want to tell him to sod off and leave me be. But because he's Simon Snow and I'm hopelessly in love with him and because I'm weak...

I say, "Oh for Christ's sake, if you're going to make such a big deal out of it," I hardly ever swear like a Normal, but I momentarily forget how to speak when Simon looks at me with those big doe eyes. I get off my bed and make a big deal about stomping over to his bed and snatching the book out of his hands. Then I stomp back to my bed. I've read this book- The Outsiders- before. It's quite a good book. I remember all of it. I could easily just give Snow the basic notes, but for some reason unbeknownst to me, (I totally know the reason, but I'm not just going to bloody well admit it) I decide to just read it to him.

We both get settled into our separate beds and I begin. "When I stepped out into the bright sunlight..." I'm trying to ignore Snow's heated gaze on me as I read the words to him. At some point, I forget I'm reading aloud.

During a part in the book when Ponyboy describes the sleeping situation in their house, Simon can't help but ask, "Darry and Soda... they seem kinda gay, right?" I just look over at him and that lopsided smile of his. I can't help but let out a small laugh as well.

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