Swaying In the Snow

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Otp Prompt #24: Simon and Baz still haven't resolved their feelings- they've been too caught up in the war brewing on the horizon since they got back to Watford. Baz just wants one interrupted moment alone with Simon.

~ I know this one is sooo short. I've just been super busy prepping for COC 2019, but on the bright side, I'll be posting every day then! Also, warning: This contains Wayward Son spoilers. So anywho, enjoy! ~

*Baz's POV*

We've been back at Watford for weeks now since our road trip. After Simon and I were so rudely interrupted on the beach, we rushed right to the airport and we all had separate seats on the plane. As soon as we got back, we were immediately rushed to Watford and sent to work- there is a war brewing on the horizon, after all. (Worse than the Humdrum- worse than even the fucking mage himself.) (After seeing the video of us doing magick at the fair, we were almost struck from the book; thankfully, there's a war and we're all needed.) (Even Simon.)

Simon and I haven't had one bloody minutes to talk about the pressing issue of us. We've been apart this whole time, part of it is just us being busy and part of it being us actively avoiding each other. And now we're at a safehouse with Penny in the middle of nowhere, the trees being the only other living things around. And it's snowing outside now as Simon and I work around each other outside in silence. The snow is a cruel reminder that the snow outside will be the closest I'll get to touching Snow in a long while.

So I resolve to fix that.


"Simon!" I call from the front door of the cabin. Both he and Bunce materialize in front of me. I roll my eyes at Bunce (even though I love her) and shoo her away.

"Did I say Bunce and Simon? I think not. Sorry love, but this pertains to Simon and I's breaking relationship, thank you very bloody much." There's a long silence in which Penny looks at Simon uncertainly, he looks at me and then back to her, and he nods his head at her. (Merlin, I swear it's like they have telepathy at times- I wouldn't be surprised.) He takes a step closer to me.

"What is it, Baz? I really don't think we should-"

"Nonsense. Come along then, Snow. I shouldn't be long," I gesture for him to walk with me and I start out the door, hoping that he follows me. I take a quick look behind my shoulder, and sure enough, he huffs along behind me looking nervous. "Come down, Snow. I'm not taking you to the middle of the woods to murder you. What fun would that be on our little vacation?" He lets out a small laugh, which feels like a victory.

We walk for a few more minutes before the spot I've set up comes into view. It's in the middle of a clearing in the snow-covered woods, fairy lights strung up in the trees and soft music playing in the background. Crowley, I did an amazing job, if I do say so myself. Simon stops in his tracks as we reach the edge, eyeing the scene carefully.

"Baz? What is this?"

I sigh. (I seem to be doing that a lot lately.) "Listen, I know that we haven't gotten a chance to talk about... well, us, yet. But I'm not going to make you do that until you're ready. So..." I walk backwards into the clearing, right in the middle of it all. "I figure we can at least dance, instead. Take a break. Forget everything. Just... just dance," I wait patiently as he slowly walks a bit closer to me, still skeptical. He looks uncertain, but he hasn't run away yet, which is good.

"Baz, we're in the middle of a war-"

"We're always in the middle of a war," I sigh as I let my arms fall momentarily before extending an arm to him. The snow is falling all around us and soft jazz plays in the background. (Like in the fucking movies.) "Dance with me, Snow." He looks at me for a second like I've lost my head. (Perhaps I have- I think I lost it long ago when I fell for this broken shell of a boy.)

He sighs like I've won and he walks forward toward me, hesitantly. I take his hand in mine and wrap my arm around his waist; it's a lot like how it was at the end of the eighth year. However, we're more broken now, I think. More separate than ever. But right now, in the snow with the fairy lights and music and Simon... I decide to not think of any of that.

He sways back and forth gently with me, burying his head into my chest. I inhale the smell of his hair and close my eyes as I rest my head on top of his. I take a moment to revel in the fact that he's letting me hold him. I feel fucking untouchable. We're not completely mended, of course. (Perhaps we never will be.) And we haven't really bloody gotten a proper talk yet. But tonight... tonight seems like the beginning of fixing our relationship. Just one small, miniscule step in mending the complete and utter fucking mess that is Simon and Baz's love story. But I'll be damned and drawn and fucking quartered if I give up on us now.

*Simon's POV*

This is just like something that Baz would do. Set up a secret romantic spot and make me dance with him in a desperate attempt to draw me back in...

It might be working. We have so much to work through, but here, swaying in his arms, makes me want to forget about it all. I just remember how happy he looked in Vegas; with his own people. He looked like he belonged there- he was happy. Then again, he said he would only be happy wherever I am. (Which isn't very bloody easy to believe considering... everything, really.) But I want to believe him. Oh god, I so desperately want to believe him. I've been avoiding him lately because I know that one look into his eyes and he could convince me that anything is possible. I just wanted to get my head on straight. (Let's be honest, my fucking head has never been on quite straight since I met him.)

I just... I feel so safe in his arms- I know I love him. I know that. It's just that I'm so different... so fucking broken, now. But it's very hard to believe that we won't make it when I am in love with him so very much that Crowley, it bloody hurts.

I'd give him all that I am. (A broken mess in love.) I'd give him all that I was. (An all powerful mage that had a few cracks with no wings and no tail.) I'd open up a vein. (Any of the major ones, of course.) I'd tie our hearts together chamber by chamber. (What I wouldn't give to be bound to him for life... however long that is for us.)

Right now, I decide to just stop thinking, and let the beat of the music guide my heart as we sway in the snow. 

Chamber by Chamber // SnowbazWhere stories live. Discover now