Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Kim Taehyung

I walk inside the house taking out my coat. Putting it on the rack together with their coats. Everything for me is blurry. My mind still in hazy not accepting the truth that I have this blood cancer called Leukemia.

"Taehyung-ah where have you been?" I look down at the person who's currently on the sofa here in the living room.

"Park, just wanna take a fresh air." I smiled at Jimin who nodded after I answer. He turn his attention to the television when I ask him.

"Jiminie have you seen Jin-hyung?" I walk in to him and sit beside him.

"Nope." He said while still looking at the television. I sighed and lay down my back on the sofa.

"Ya! Taehyung-ah move a little that's my place!" Said by Yoongi hyung, boyfriend of Jiminie. I nod and sit up away from them. I decide to go to my room and just lay down, thinking nothing but I can't help it, my mind go wondering where could Jin-hyung go at this moment. I just wanna cuddled with him. I want to tell him what the doctor said to me but I'm scared telling it to him, to them. How am I supposed to tell them my situation? With that thought I fell asleep and awaken when I hear someone in the shower.

I got up and walk up to the bathroom. I knocked.


"Yeah?" I smiled when I heard his voice. I look at my bedside table to know what time is it and I got surprised to know that it's 2am. I forgot to eat dinner, I turn my eyes to the bathroom when I heard it clicked and open by Jin-hyung.

"You just got home?" I ask him but he didn't answer. He just walk in to our closet to take a T-shirt and sweatpants. "Jin-hyung, I ask you." I said calmly and got surprised when he glared at me.

"I'm tired okay? Don't start this with me!" He finish his changing and straight to lie down on the bed of ours. I sighed and walk in to him I lay down beside him. I hug him from the back.

"Sorry." He put away my hands of him and hissed.

"Get away from me! Let me sleep!"

"Okay." I move a bit from him and stare at his back.

'Hyung I have Leukemia, there's a possibility I won't make it. But for you I'll fight just... just don't leave me.'

I want to say this words but I don't have the strength to say it. My tears start to form from the corner of my eyes. Each day that had passed you start to slip away from me slowly. I know something is happening but I don't want to think about it. The important is your still here beside me.


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