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Do you know that feeling of being scared of dying yet afraid to live? You still love your life but then tired of living? Want to let go but still holding on? Crying yet smiling? You're hurt but too numb because of the pain.

You know you're not okay when the time your eyes keeps on spilling tears without any reason why.

Do you know that I can fake a smile with no traces of fraud in it?

Death is not a great loss for me because I died while living.

Sadly I have a heart. An empty heart.

I wish there is a reason for me to live.



"Why wouldn't you open your eyes?"


"Wake up please!"


I open my eyes when a hands hold both my shoulders and shake it dramatically. I saw them around me, looking at me worriedly and waiting for me to speak. I got up but suddenly flop when I feel dizzy and a pain at the side of my head. I touch it and there's a bump!!

"Are you okay? Does it hurt so bad? Oh my god, I'm so sorry, Taehyungie!" Jin hyung said as he try to touch my head.

"W-what happened?" I ask them. Completely confused about everything.

"Well, Jin hyung knocked you out with a frying pan at the head!" Jimin said as he lean on to me and sit beside me.

"He hit you good enough for you to be knocked out for almost an hour, hyungie!" Jungkookie said while laughing and got smack by Jin hyung lightly in his head.

"Are you okay?" Namjoon hyung said. I nodded.

"What do you feel?" Hoseok hyung ask as he shoved off Namjoon hyung.

"I feel dizzy!"

"I'm so sorry, dongsaeng! Hyungie feel so sorry!" Jin hyung said and hug me tightly making me choke a little.

"Ya! Hyung let him go! He can't breathe!" Jimin said as he pulled out Jin hyung away from me.

"Ya, Taehyungie, do you want some water?" Yoongi hyung said.

"Yes please, hyung."

I got up again when I feel okay. He hand me a glass of water and drink it in only two gulp. I look at them confusedly and they did too when they see my reaction.

'It's all just a dream?'


"What's the problem?"

"What actually happened?" I ask and Jimin the first one to talk.

"First we decided to startle Jin hyung while he is preparing to cook and you walk in to him closely but our evil maknae shout from my back and I didn't notice him so the three of us got startled and causing Jin hyung to face you when you were behind him and he hit you with a frying pan and then boom! You knocked out. We rush in to you and lift you up to your room and you were unconscious for almost an hour." He explain. And with a ting inside my head I remember everything.

"You were calling Jin hyung in your sleep!" Namjoon said and my eyes widened.

"He must cursing Jin hyung in his sleep!" Kookie said and he laugh loudly making the other laugh except Jin hyung and me. Making me remember my dream.

'Me and Jin hyung? Lovers? No way in hell! I like Kookie!!!!!!!'

"Ya! Stop laughing!" Jin hyung shout at kookie and he gazed at me with a guilty face. He almost tear up.

"I'm so sorry Taehyungie." He hug me lightly and I just hug him back.

"You know guys I had a weird dream!" I said and they look at me curiously. I'm doubting if I could tell them but decided I would.

"What dream?" Yoongi hyung ask. I look at him and smiled knowing Yoongi hyung has a massive crush to my Jiminie.

"Well Yoongi hyung and Jimine are lovey dovey couple in my dream and you call him, hyung, your baby or my chimchim." I laugh at the two of them when their faces turn in to bright pink blush. They took a step away from each other and look around but with each other.

"Ohh! There is someone hoping it's true!!" Namjoon hyung teases Yoongi hyung and he glared back at him but Namjoon didn't care about it.

"Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung are couple too. Secret lovers." I didn't give any further details knowing me and Jin hyung are lovers too and Kookie is here, so nope! Not gonna tell them!

"Who's red-face now? Hoping it will happen too hmm?" Yoongi hyung smirk at him and just like earlier Namjoon hyung glared at him. While Jin hyung is laughing at them. Hoseok hyung shake my hands excitedly.

"How about me Taehyungie?" They look at us and paid attention.

"You always got bullied by Kookie." They burst out laughing while Hoseok hyung just frown and stamp his feet on the ground.

"That's not even a dream! It happened in real life!!!" We laugh and almost got out of breath when Jungkookie jump at the back of Hoseok hyung and stumble on the ground. Jin hyung gazed at me.

"Then what about you? What are you in your dream?" I stop laughing remembering what happened inside my dream. Knowing Jin hyung being overly protective to his dongsaengs and cared like a mother, he will be upset. I smiled at him and cling my arm in to his.

"I'm a star." His eye brow rise up.

"A star?"

"Yep! A star."

'In the end my wish became true. I became a star.'

*******THE END*******

Oh my gosh. I feel proud of myself!!!! I did it. I finished the story. Thank you for reading my story. I really appreciate it. Kamsahamnida!!!!! Jinjja Saranghamnida!!!

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