Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Kim Taehyung

I've been in the hospital for two weeks straight. After that night when I walk inside the house I cough blood. That was the scariest I've seen. Scared that I might leave them soon more than I expected. I'm doing my all but seems like my body is ready to give up. Every hour my back will hurt, my body will tremble from the unbearable pain. Whenever they injected the drug in me I feel my whole body hurting from my spinal cord.

I finished the session, my body still trembling. I'm in my hospital bed resting when my phone beep continuously. I reach it and see the text messages and calls from everyone. I told them I'm working on my project out of town for a few days but I never known that I will stay here for two weeks and never been text back to them. I bet they are wondering where am I. I never told them where I am working.

"Ya! Kim Taehyung! Where the fuck are you? You told us you will be gone for a few days! But it's been two weeks for fuck's sake!" - Park Jimin.

"Don't you know how to count now? It's fucking two weeks now! Where are you?" - Park Jimin

"Hyung? Where's the planet you could have been?" - Jeon Jungkook

"For shit's sake!! Taehyung! Where are you? My mochi is freaking out! GO HOME THIS INSTANCE!! I DON'T CARE IF WHERE YOU ARE OR WHAT YOU ARE DOING JUST GO HOME NOW!!!!" - Min Yoongi


"Ya! Taehyungie, where are you? We're worried as fuck. Did the bad guys kidnapped you?" - Jung Hoseok

I almost laugh with their messages but it got interrupt when a new message pop out.

"Taehyung? Where are you?" - Love

I grip my phone tightly as I read the message from him. I cried in happiness knowing he still care. He still love me somehow. My hands are trembling as I typing my reply to them.

To Park Jimin:

Hey shorty! i know you miss me but do you need to kick me out when the time I will step a foot inside the house? You're so mean! And yes I know how to count you dwarf! It's just that I need to extend here. And please calm down Yoongi hyung might kill me when I got home. He's scary you know!! PS. I'm sorry if I worry you too much and I miss you too. See you soonest my dwarf bestfriend!"

To Min Yoongi:

Sorry hyung! Jimin is a little exaggerating. Yeah a little. I'm going home soon just need to get over this project. Keep an eye to Jimin. He might break my strawberry jam inside the cabinet above the fridge, he's not allowed to eat that.

To Jeon Jungkook:

Hey Bunny! You little brat! I'm not an alien! How am I supposed to go to the other planet if I don't have a spaceship? Don't worry I'm going home as soon as possible.

To Jung Hoseok:

Hyuuuung! There is no such bad guys here! People are kind and precious well not all but I'm not kidnapped okay? I miss you. Going home soon!!!

To Love:

I'm okay here, just a little bit busy. There's a lot of work but I will be done don't worry. I'm going home soon so don't worry too much just wait a little bit. Not seeing you for weeks makes me so sad, I feel so weak without you. I feel lifeless. I miss you and I love you. See you soon, my love.

I drop my phone at my lap as tears are flowing endlessly from my eyes, my brain is throbbing from too much cry. I cough and cough until the metallic taste came out from my mouth. I try to stop myself from coughing but I can't. My abdomen and back start to hurt again. With all my might I reach for the button that placed on my over head board of my bed to call my doctor. I flop with my back on the bed when my strength worn-out. Again my phone beep.

"Hi Taehyung. It's me Namjoon. How are you? I want to ask you if we could meet at the Infires Restaurant on Saturday?"

Before I could type my message my doctor rush in together with two nurses. He stared at me with wide eyes, seeing me with a blood in my mouth and hands.

"Doctor Park. It's h-hurt." I said with tears flowing and voice trembling.


Yep. It's Doctor Park Seojoon. Imagine he's my doctor. OMG!!!

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