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Rugio our only chance at the moment is for you to open the gate of realms and move the dome somewhere else.

But I can't just leave this war.

And if you stay the Karis race faces fear of complete annihilation.

You and Nabal have to go while I hold them off.

Rugio leans in and kisses her, he turns away, grabs Nabal and teleports to the other side of the Dome overlooking the sea.

He bends on one knee touches the ocean and mutters some words. Few seconds later a giant gate like portal begins to take shape in the ocean.

Meanwhile the woman keeps on fighting off the demonic monstrosities, but a hoard of them pass her while she tries to hold back the ones on land with her. She harnesses lightening destroys the bridge and keeps on fending them off.

Nabal!!! break the dome's connection to land, Rugio says. Zarah I love you, take care. Rugio telepathically whispers to the girl.

Ok, Nabal says as he unsheathes his sword, levitates very high and in one slash the ground was shattered severing the dome's ties to land and automatically making it an island.
As the dome is severed it gets caught in a whirlpool, which sucks the dome, Nabal, Rugio and a few 100 demons through the realm gate.
The gate then disappears in the form of light particles.......

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