Chapter 18

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"Guys you need to get outta there now; we can't win this," I say as I run through an alley on my way to meet them.

"I don't think they'll make it Zane, you need to hurry. Malibu is injured and the flame kid is single handedly backing Blake into a corner without breaking a sweat, " Jamie says. I tap my ear buds and try to connect back to Julie but it doesn't connect. I try Blake and it goes through:

"You guys hold on I'll be there soon."

"Zane I don't know how long we can hold on for. Troy is tossing Malibu around like a human sized ragdoll. And no attack I've made so far has worked on this kid," Blake says.

"I brought a power dampener just in case, so you guys should just hang on and hold on tight."

"Zane there's a new development," Jamie says once I disconnect from Blake.

"What now? " I scream frustrated that things were actually pretty bad and more bad shit kept unfolding.

"what is it? " I ask again in a calmer voice.

"The other brother I believe his name is Gabriel. He revealed his hand and I finally figured out his ability."

"Is that necessary at the moment?"

"Yes actually. I figured it out because he's using our teammates as practice targets. He's some kind of puppeteer, but in this case humans are his puppets."

"So that's why Malibu couldn't move," I say as realization hits me.

"Wait, you said he's using our teammates as practice targets."

"Yeah, he's using Malibu to fight Julie and she's losing. The military trucks they had around the corner have also started coming in," Jamie finalizes just as I turn the last corner before I can get to them.

"OK I need to come up with a plan because the moment I activate that dampener I become visible to everyone and the range isn't wide enough to cover the whole area," I mumble to myself.

Suddenly, everywhere goes completely quiet. I look towards the ice fence and I see all the trucks paused in motion. I look back and I see a small animal suspended in motion as it ran.

"what's going on? " I ask aloud and in a split second eight people are standing in front of me. One is clad in a hood but strands of a kind of silver type hair is visible around the edges.

"I can help your predicament or they can but I don't have much time to explain," the cloaked figure speaks motioning towards the others as she doee, and only then do I notice that it's a girl.

She adjusts her hood a bit to reveal a bit of her face. As I look at the hooded figure I notice some form of resemblance almost like a Deja Vu, but I can't remember where I've seen her.

All eight of them seem to be in their late teens and they seem to be gaining their bearings as they try to figure out where they are.

"Zane these seven are Karis and they are also after Nabal, the man you know as Mr. Grey."

"How do you__"

And she was gone before I could finish my question. As she disappeared all the noise came back and everything began moving again.

"Can we do this some other time? Right now my team mates are inside there, they're in trouble and I need to save them," and with that I turn invisible and run off towards the iced area but before I can get in someone takes hold of my hand.

"Wait, I'm supposed to be invisible", I say as I turn around to see one of the kids holding my hand.

"How did you__" I get cut off by the guy that grabbed my hand.

"She said you needed, help and we are after the same person. Let us help" he says. I'm a bit shocked so i just nod.

"With that one of them runs straight for the ice and passes through. The others disappear and I just walk right in with the one that grabbed my hand.

All seven of the Karis kids were present inside the iced area.

I show them Zane, Malibu and Julie all badly injured the kid that ran through the ice sprints off and returns to me with all three of them.

"Hey I don't really mind but are you so pathetic that you're using kids to fight your battles?" Troy snickers but I ignore him as I'm checking on Malibu, Blake and Julie .

"By the way who are they? They showed that they possess powers but we aren't missing any of ours.  So how do they have powers?" Troy asks.

I look at all three of my team mates and I pull my gun and fire successive shots at them out of anger. The bullets don't penetrate Troy's skin causing him to smirk.

The fast guy sees this and taps my shoulder, "can I interfere?" he asks.

"Naha says it's rude to interrupt people's personal battles without asking for permission," he says with a huge grin on his face while motioning towards the one that held my hand.

I nod at him and in a split second he was right in front of Troy.

"I don't like you," he says and as Troy bursts into laughter he punches Troy in the face. Troy gets annoyed and I see the muscles on his upper torso get reinforced.

He throws a punch straight at the kid but he just easily walks to the side. This singular action unnerves Troy and he starts to throw a barrage of continuous punches.

"Too slow, " the kid says as he stops throwing punches. He transforms into a hybrid monster and lunges straight for the kid. Only then do I notice that the grin on the kids face had been there throughout the whole exchange.

"3rd gear, " he says and for a split second I see streaks of yellow light. As the hybrid gets into close proximity, the kid speeds towards it and lands a single punch that sends Troy out of the iced area unconscious and in his human form.

Justin and Gabriel both seeing this recall Anna, Burrows and Doug. All three of them attack simultaneously but one of the guys stands in front of the attack and stretches out his hand halting the water, earth and wind midway.  He waves all the attacks away and pushes all three of them a ways backwards.

Gabriel starts moving his hands and I see that the movements of the one that just took out Anna, Burrows and Doug had changed.

"Is he controlling him already?" I think to myself and then I see a strange spectacle unfold before me.

"You're hilarious," the guy says and I see faint traces of red crackles all around him, I hear a shrill sound like a rope snapping or something and then I see his body relaxes. I see the look of shock on Gabriel's face meaning he broke out of his control, but before anyone can try to react Justin jumps in shooting fire at the kid who just raises his hand and pauses it.

"This is quite weak compared to a certain idiot," but as he clears it up Justin, Gabriel,  Troy, Laxis, Anna,  burrows and Doug are all gone.

As if on cue all the soldiers start to troop in.

"We need to leave right now, " I say to them.

They look at me and they nod. I blink and we're back at the alley. Malibu gets up and looks around before he nudges me.
" we need to get moving. "

I carried Julie while someone else carried Blake and we ran to were we hid the van we came in.
We all got in and I drove us out of there to one of the safe houses we established in the city.

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