Chapter 3

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Nabal!!! Come we have guests. I was wandering outside of the dome, investigating our new world, when I happened upon a village.

They are gouless and they call themselves humans. I made their acquaintance and invited them to the dome.

They just got here and are speaking to the elders of Rukasi, Vamar and Bugou.

That's great news. This race is quite weak, which means we can establish dominance so that there will never be a repeat of the incident that nearly wiped out our race.

Nabal are you insane? We escaped a war ravaged world and arrived a clean world in a time and era that is peaceful and you want to subject future generations to the evil we experienced by forcing another race to be our slaves because you think we are superior to them?

But we are superior to them and this is a preventive measure to ensure that they don't wake up one day and feel like we need to be wiped out because we aren't HUMAN...

I understand where you're coming from but that isn't the way to solve a problem that hasn't if arisen. You might be right but they deserve the benefit of the doubt, and besides we have gou so if they ever attack us we'll easily fend them off.

Nabal pauses for a bit.

OK then, we accept them and form an alliance, nabal says and smiles at Rugio who smiles back.

Now, let's go and see the new friends you made that are trying to take my place as yer best friend.

The human village and Karis had a good relationship for a while. The humans taught the Karis about earth and Karis taught them about their race, improved their technology and made life easier for the humans. These two different races co-existed quite well together. They were about 5 human villages all around the dome and they began to relate in a way that made it seem like they were a colony. In time they made up their rules regulations and agreements. Humans and Karis also began to have romantic relations. But they were still people on both sides that didnt like the way things were going and tried their best to spread their beliefs and thoughts to all and anyone who would listen.  As the saying goes, every group had their black sheep. 


A Few Years Later,

Rugio wanting to know about the realm of the Kari's tried opening the realm gate but it still didn't work. He later found out that they were the first of the Karis race to exist in this realm and as such the gou~nature alliance (one of the gifts of gou) very weak.

And hence they would be in this realm for a while.

He used gou alliance to check the realm. It was very weak, but he found out that the realm of humans had endless and infinite possibilities for the supernatural.

They were also energies that existed that would have similar effect as gou. In their era it seems that only about 6% of these energies are known and about 2.5% have been harnessed.

He opens a portal to the gap and demons started swarming out.

He unleashes his gou and forces them back in, he then enters the gap and closes the portal. He starts slaughtering the demons in the gap until he destroys all of them.

He wanders around in the gap and notices that the gap is an exact replica of whatever realm you entered from. Because its an in-between to realms, gou are more powerful when you use them in the gap. He starts testing out all his abilities, and he suddenly gets a premonition.

He sees himself putting his abilities in a crystal. He sees two different wars where people are using chipped pieces of the crystal to facilitate their abilities. He then sees Nabal in a future human attire standing at the top of a very high building. And lastly he sees the gate of realms open up in the human realm.

So all that will happen will lead to our race going back home, he mumbles. He opens up a portal and comes back to the dome.

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