Chapter 13

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Within the next six months Mr. Grey's continuous experimentation took the lives of ten members of the team before the experiment was finally a success.
All remaining members of the team were then injected.
New subjects were also brought. They were mostly kids to enable ease of manipulation.

Within the next two months, Scott and the rest of the team secretly trained their new found abilities until the day of their escape.

One Day to go....

"Tracy gave me a list of everyone's abilities so that we can build around that and make an escape plan. Mr. Grey won't be back for another week, so we're  breaking out tomorrow.  It would be better to completely avoid him if what Tracy said is true", Scott finishes.

"We need to cut all communication to the outside, turn off security camera's, and disable the dampener. What are we working with? " Zane asks.

"Julie can adapt to any kind of matter, Blake can manipulate ice, Garza has the physical attributes of a jelly fish , Sarah has the physical attributes of a Dinosaur, Zach can manipulate light, Skylar has the physical attributes of a Wolf, Malibu has Enhanced Strength, Jamie has a super brain and can manipulate machines, you can turn invisible and transparent and I can manipulate structures", I pause to take a deep breath as I realise that I was rushing through it without pausing for even a second.

"Tracy is going to take care of the power dampener and Jamie will find the other hostages and then take care of the camera's. You, Malibu and I are going to find the special entries area and check out the people there. "

"Why?", he asks.

"Well apparently the people there are test subjects from another experiments lab" , I reply.

So we need to check if anyone of our men are there right ? He says.

"Yea, Tracy said she already arranged for transportation and an off the radar location to stay and lay low for now."

"So I guess we're set then," Zane says.

"I guess we are. Get some sleep bro, tomorrow is gonna be a lot."

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