Chapter 19

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"What happened to you guys? " Tracy screams at me as we get back.

"I thought you said you guys would take care of it? If you got caught I'd have beat all your asses, especially yours Zane."

"And who are they?" she asks gesturing towards the guys and one girl.

"They're all Karis. They helped us escape."

"That's not all they did," Jamie says playing a  recorded video of the fight.

"Wow, they are strong," trace says as she turns and looks at them.

"Where is your silver-haired hoodie friend?" I ask.

"We don't know. All we know is that she's a time traveller and she goes by the name Sage."

"Where do we find Nabal?" the one that stood against Troy, Gabriel, Anna, Doug and Burrows asks.

"Who's Nabal?" Jamie asks looking at me questioningly.

"Mr. Grey," I say to him.

"Ooh" he says and then turns towards his computers.

"Well we do know where he is," Jamie says and opens up a map showing our present location. A line traces the path up until one of Oregon's branch offices. It then turns to 3D and then redirects to a camera view.

"Kiran that's too sudden and I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be that easy to get close to him and even if you did you can't fight someone who has Rugio's stone all alone," the kid I gathered was responsible for the transportation bursts in an attempt to be the voice of reason.

"Plus I also sensed demon type energy emanating from the people you fought, " the guy that held me back before said. I believe the speedster called him Naha.

"Erm guys, sorry to interrupt your squabbling but your friend is already gone," Jamie says drawing the attention of everyone including Trace and the only female Karis in their group as they tended to Blake, Julie and Malibu's injuries.
He redirects the events on his computer screen to the giant screen for all to see.

It showed a blur passing multiple security cameras and the calculated destination was Oregon's branch office.

Jamie switches on internal CCTV speed limit detectors.

"Wow, that kid is moving at the same speed as a mach three at the moment."

"Wait, what?" I stutter before I snap out of it think of the next line of action. .

"Hey isn't there a way to call your friend back? " I ask but they indicate that there isn't.

"We need to get him back before he gets captured."

"He won't," one of them says.

"I get that he's strong and fast and all, but they have power dampeners capable of stripping you of your power until it's deactivated."

"Like one of Rugio's stones," the girl speaks making those the first words she had spoken since we met.

"Humans have technology capable of replicating Rugio's negation stone. That's quite impressive," she adds.

"Knowing Kai, he'll probably be alright.
He just got there, I'm in their internal camera but I can't stay long before I'm blocked," Jamie says.

I want to ask what is Rugio's stone but I just make a mental note to inquire later.

We see Kai pass through the gate and stumble and shoots into the side of the building.  The path of the building he stumbles into caves to reveal a huge dent identical to the shape of the gate.

He stands up and tries to run but he's movements are average. He looks around but before he can take another step he is completely surrounded by about 25 enhanced soldiers and a hoard of normal soldiers.

"His powers are gone now what'll he do?" I think aloud.

He stretches and I can swear there's a bright smile on his face. He then mumbles something and the soldiers begin to shoot.

I see glowing vein like lines and circles traced from his fists to his elbows and his knees to most probably his feet as I can't see his feet. He blocks the bullets with his hands and start beating up the soldiers on a line straight towards the gate.

The enhanced ones try to engage in close combat but he was kicking away everyone in any direction he faces his foot.

His movements are also quite fast. I analyse his movements until I notice it. He wasn't using speed but a variation of enhanced strength.

He's using his strength to shoot himself from the floor towards any direction he wants to go causing him to move like he still had his speed. It was quite similar to Malibu's single bound movement but on a whole different level.

"He's very good. How does he even move like that? That ability isn't normal, is it?" I ask.

"You're quite intuitive," Naha commends but is interrupted before he can say anything further.

"Naha what gear is he using?  I think he's still on third."

We watch as he takes out the soldiers and gets to the gate. As he is about to step out more soldiers arrive and the ones on the floor who could still move all stand up and pick up their weapons.

"How many soldiers do they have in there?" Kiran asks.

"We don't know," Jamie replies.

We watch the speedster turn around, he balances himself mumbles something again but this time only one of his hands is striped and glowing.

The guards start advancing towards him but he just takes a deep breath and throws a crazy punch at the air towards the soldiers and there is dust everywhere.

When it settles all of them are on the floor and there is a huge fist like hole through the building.

He then walks through the gate and zooms off. He returns a few minutes later.

"Hey guys I'm back. I couldn't get inside cause I lost my Gou when I passed through the threshold. Searching for him inside that big building without my Gou wouldn't be as much fun," he says with a smile.

I look at the faces of the other six but they don't seem the least bit perturbed by a kid who could make such a large hole through a building without even touching it.

Jamie, Tracy and Zach were all starring at him dumb stricken. He turns towards us and I think he notices something off because he starts to analyse each of us and then settles on Tracy whose jaw was literally drooping.

"What's wrong?"  He asks genuinely confused.

"Em,  what are you? " she asks before she snaps out of it to correct herself.
She doesn't though as he looks at her like a lost puppy and simply replies:

"I'm Kai."

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