Chapter 4

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I'd like to tell you something important, I plan on relinquishing all my gou, Rugio says.

Wait, what!!!!!! Is that even possible? And even if it is, why would you want to do that?

In the realm of the Karis I'm what is known as an anomaly of nature. I possess almost every gou that exist and I have access to three of the gifts of gou. I'm so powerful that it doesn't make sense. No one man should possess this much power.
So then do you intend to be powerless?

Of course not but all the demons are gone and this world is peaceful, hence there's no need for these powers in this time.

However, I did see a premonition and it seems my gou will be important for a war that will ensue in the future. 

The realm gate can't be accessed until about another 100 years or so, so until then these powers will remain sealed.

When that time comes someone else will wield these powers and check on the realm of the Karis and what became of it and maybe try to stop whatever calamity I sensed.

I think I'm going to write journals and store them in the underground crypts to instruct future generations, he finishes.

Well you're not just my best friend, you're also like a brother to me, so I support you, Nabal says with a little smile.

You're the only family I have so I wanted you here when I do this, Rugio replies.

Nabal steps back as Rugio closes his eyes. Gou Alliance; Creation. His hands start glowing and he levitates. Glowing particles start gathering in his hands until they form a crystal with weird line and circle connections all over. Rugio floats back down, bends on one knee and places his hands on the floor. Gou alliance; Re-purpose. The point he touches on the floor gives out a glow and the crystal in his hand starts giving out a green glow. It glows for a few minutes then it stops.

Its ready, he says to nabal who looks at him and nods.

Rugio sets the crystal down and stretches his hands towards it. Gou alliance; gou transfer. The crystal activates and there's a very strong wind as different colors of light start leaving Rugio, and entering the crystal. After some time, the wind subsides, the lights stop and crystal stops glowing and falls to the floor.

Nabal comes out from the bushes and walks up to Rugio.

How do you feel? He asks.

I still feel something but its like one out of a 100th of what I used to have and I still possess the gifts of gou.
Well most of it is in the crystal and you're not completely powerless so its a win.

Yes, it is, Rugio says and tries to walk but stumbles due to the fatigue. Nabal catches him before he can fall to the ground.

What now? Nabal asks. Well I need to hide it. Let's go to the cave behind the rosewood waterfall. Okay then. Nabal says and they both head deeper into the forest.

We're here Nabal says when they get there. Nabal draws his sword and points it towards the waterfall and the water divides revealing the entrance of a cave and the waterfall freezes.

They walk in and the water unfreezes and covers back up.

They both walk in and there's a bright luminous light glowing inside the cave. They walk inside and the place has a lot of books inside. Rugio walks to one of the shelves and removes the books, he touches the wall and a circular mechanical safe opens up. He puts the crystal inside and replaces the books, let's go.


Me: OK so the book is officially getting somewhere, so read, vote,  comment and tell me what you honestly think.  Thank you.

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