Chapter 14

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"My powers are back," Zane says as he phases through the wall and into Scotts room.

"Get to Jamie and tell him to find the other hostages and take care of the cameras."

"Okii dooki," Zane says as he phases out of the room on-route to Jamie. He gets to Jamie's room to see Jamie sitting with his eyes close and his right hand holding the strands of wires giving electricity to his room.

“Jamie its time for …"  "its already done”, Jamie says cutting Zane off midway to what he was going to say.

“The remaining hostages are in the C-Floor and the special entries area is on the last floor underground.”

“Okay about..."  "I also cut off all communication to and from this Facility as well as internal radio frequency signals, Jamie says cutting him off again.

Zane just stared at the little monster-like genius in front of him in awe.  Jamie was the youngest on their squad but he was a superb genius when it came to explosives and he had more than average training when it came to physical abilities. The powers they got might have been random but he got the perfect ability suited to him.

Just then all their room doors open simultaneously.

"I'm guessing you did that too right?" Zane asks glancing towards Jamie's direction. Jamie nods in the affirmative causing Zane to smile. 

"Is everyone here?" Scott asks. "Yes", Zane replies almost immediately.

"Jamie you've gotten the blueprint of this facility from their systems, right?"


"Can you tell me the structure characterisation for the room being used as the special entry area ?"

"According to the blueprints it's tagged A-00."

"Okay, I found it."

"Malibu, zane and I are heading for the special entries area."

"Jamie lead everyone to the C-Floor and rescue the remaining hostages. Lead them to the elevator and get them out of here." 
"Garza you can manipulate electricity to an extent, right? "

"Yes, boss. "

"Once you guys are out and safe I need you and any two others to blow out the transformers powering this facility and the backups. "

"But that would also shut down the elevators", Sarah says voicing her concerns.  "I don't think I need to remind you but incase you forgot this facility is underground. The only way out is up, through the elevators that is. You guys would be stuck here." 

"You guys don't worry about all that. We'll be fine since I already got that covered."

"Before we got this powers you were all superb soldiers. Don't be 100% dependent on them. Think for yourself and find the optimal solution to every problem. The guards have handy power dampeners. Be swift but careful" , he finishes in a motivational speech type voice.

"OK then I guess that's all let's go."


"Malibu I'm sorry to be a burden" I say as I watch him take down majority of the guard we've come in contact with.

"It's okay man. Besides we can't just leave when there's a possibility that some of our squad members are still here" ,he replies flicking his light brown hair allowing his face to come into view. The expression engraved on them was that of a man who was enjoying himself for the first time in a while.

"Scott, you sure do get sappy quite a lot and you're supposed to be the elder one."

"I'm still shocked that you managed to lead a team of highly trained  mercenaries for this long", Zane says with a grin on his face.

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