Chapter 5

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A few weeks later....

Nabal visits Rukasi for an assignment. As he walks through he stumbles upon one of its numerous marketplaces.
I do need something to eat, he thinks to himself and walks over to a woman selling sweets. As the woman is packaging his order he looks around and notices that they're a lot more humans than Karis both as buyers and sellers.

So they're even trying to dominate our markets, he mumbles to himself in annoyance. Nabal collects the food, pays up and stalks off into an alley to take his mind of his problem with humans.

You monster! a voice says from deep within the alley. Do that again, the voice continues. Nabal hears a thud and then intense coughing. I said do it again you monster, the voice repeats.
He walks towards the voices and mumbling. He gets to them and finds four boys surrounding one other boy and two other girls who were watching as spectators and laughing.

Oh god!!   He says as he sees the one on the floor filled with cuts and bruises. His whole face was also swollen but that didnt stop them, as they continued punching and kicking him.

Hey stop it immediately, nabal screams at them.  Fuck off, this doesnt concern you, one of the guys says. The person that spoke tries to kick the boy again but nabal intercepts the kick, catches his leg and flings him into pieces of rubbles. The other kids seeing this all step back. Wait guys look at his clothes, one of the girls says. He's also one of the monsters, she adds.

Nabal bends down to tend to the boys wounds, while the rest go to try and help the other one out of the rubble.

They six of them soon starts mumbling something and one of them giggles. Nabal glances at them but pays them no interest. As he carries the boy up, the kids roll some round objects with spikes towards him and take off.

Whats your name? he asks the boy, who wheezes first.

Macku, he says.

Where do you stay Macku? before he could answer there is a loud explosion and Nabal passes out.

Nabal wakes up minutes later and everything thing is a bit hazy. He stands up and it all comes back to him. He sees the round object that caused the explosion and it was a mini bomb made of fireworks and spikes.

At least I heal fast so that was nothing.

Macku!!! He screams as realization hits him. He turns around to see the boys body sprawled a little distance away. He rushes over to him and lifts the boys now lifeless body to check if he could revive him but it was all for naught. The spikes had stabbed one of his eyes, his throat and a majority of his chest area. He holds macku's body as he weeps in pain.

You monster; He's also one of the monsters, the words of the guy and girl linger in his head and in an instant his pain turn to anger.

I'll show them a true monster, he says and leaves the village. Nabal comes back sometime later with the crystal.

He ransacks Rukasi in search of the people that killed the boy, making sure to kill every human in his path. He finds them and burns all of them alive, after which he leaves the village and heads into the forest.

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