Chapter 1

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M. K: I used the word "Gou" a lot. I wanted to explain that since they are a different race from humans, Gou is their life force. The thing that makes them different and gives them abilities. It also refers to their abilities. Like the "Gou of lightening" means the person can control or manipulate lightening to an extent. Thank you.....


"Rugio we need to take the dome through the gate right now" Nabal said to his closest friend.

They were a race known as the Karis and their world has been at the verge of war for a very long time and they've been fighting against a race of demons.
The war finally broke out and the most part of their world had already been destroyed, lives had been lost and those that could escape were presently at the last country, known as the dome.

The Dome was the safest country in the World of the Karis. It was the only country that had a defensive barrier covering the whole country. The country was almost completely surrounded with water and the only thing connecting it to the others was some land and a very long bridge.

So far, the dome had not been affected by the war. All the long range attacks hit the barrier and were repelled while the demons who got close to the bridge were completely annihilated. But the demons were breaking through and more if them were getting to the bridge.

Nabal possessed the gou of immortality and was a very strong general.
Rugio was also a general and he was one of the strongest at that, he was referred to as "the man loved by gou". He had a lot of gou that even he didn't know the number of gou he had. He possessed almost every gou known to the Karis, and he also possessed one of the strongest gifts of gou known as gou alliance.

"Rugio did you hear me", Nabal repeated. "Yea but we can't leave the battlefield" Rugio said and was about to rush back into battle when Nabal held him back, "look at this country and tell me you think the people in the dome would survive any much longer. The barrier is almost at its limit and even if you kill a hundred demons in a second they would still enter the dome and there would be civilian casualties" Nabal says pleadingly.

"He's right you know" a female voice said from behind them. They both turn around to see a girl in armour holding a sword and looking excited. "Zarah you're here",Rugio says as he walks close to his wife.

"Yes I am and Nabal is right, you have the power to open the gate, so go open it and we'll break the bridge and you and Nabal lead the village to another realm" zarah says with a smile, "I can't leave the battlefront" Rugio trys to argue but Zarah stops him.

"Of course you can and you will,besides if they get there and they are treated like enemies, you have the ability to help them escape safely without any casualties".
"Well what about you,i can't leave you here",he says.

"I'm an Elder, Rugio. I can't leave now, not until this war is over, you and Nabal might be very strong but you're not elders yet, and so this is an order from your superior", Zarah says.

Rugio walks over to her holds her waist and crashes his lips down on hers.
I hate it when you pull rank on me but I love you and I'll be back for you Rugio says and he and Nabal walk toward the dome.
Zarah stands at the center of the bridge and closes her eyes, when she opens them they are all white. A dark cloud starts to form so she shoots lightening into it and after 15seconds a very huge zap of lightening strikes the bridge destroying all of it, while she's left levitating as lightening is sparking all around her. The demons that had made their way to the bridge when it was struck were all turned to dust, while those at the edge fell into the water.
The rest were at the edge looking as the dome was floating away. Zarah delves into their midst and creates and covers her hands and feet in lightening, she then creates a lightening sword and starts cutting down demons. She uses the same technique she used on the bridge and eviscerated all the demons around her.

Rugio flew forward, stood on the water, closed his eyes and tapped into gou alliance. Markings made of light started to appear on the water and then there was a bright light and a portal appears on the water like a whirlpool.

Just then some of the demons still on the other side start growing wings and the ones that were in the water grow bigger and start swimming after the dome. The demons catch up with them before the dome reaches the portal and Nabal, Rugio start fighting the demons.

They are all sucked through the portal and a lot of demons including demon transformed fishes pass before the gate is shut. Rugio and Nabal enter the dome to think about a strategy, when suddenly another portal opens and the dome is sucked through it. The force at which the dome is sucked through the portal knocks everyone unconscious as they enter the human world.

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